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Alcohol and young people

  • Newquay residents: 'We need a real change in the culture and how our town is seen'

  • Surfers in Newquay

    Waves of partying

  • How much is enough?

    How much is enough?

  • Mothers' views from around the world

  • Sobriety begins at home

    Sobriety begins at home

    How bad is the problem of teenage drinking? And if we really want to tackle it, isn't it time that society as a whole woke up to its dangers?

  • Is it the media that are making us believe that more young people are drinking than ever before?


  • What are the main drivers that make young people decide to drink alcohol?

    Main drivers

  • Are there enough alternative activities for young people to do to stop them from drinking?

    Alternate activites

  • What is the government doing to reduce alcohol harm and increase alcohol awareness in the education system?

  • What can be done to give adults the confidence to engage with young people in their communities about alcohol?

  • What is the appropriate age for parents to talk to their children about alcohol?

  • What is the government doing to fund community projects for young people?

  • Vox pops. Young people and alcohol misuse: Are parents to blame?

  • How much do the drinking habits of parents influence children?

  • Do sports personalities encourage or discourage young people to drink alcohol?

  • Young people speak out

  • What were your experiences of learning about alcohol at school and from your parents?

  • Do you think that celebrities and soaps have an impact on people drinking?

  • Vox pop - Nihal

  • Vox pop - Frankie

    Will alcohol ever become as socially unacceptable as smoking?

About 44 results for Alcohol and young people
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