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Austerity bites

Austerity bites is Jack Monroe's monthly column on the impact of the coalition government's welfare reforms.
  • Larry Elliott

    Philip Hammond must ditch deficit reduction and invest. But will he?

    Larry Elliott
    The chancellor should change course but with no majority, no money and no productivity growth there’s no hope of that
  • A protester holds a banner while others chant anti austerity slogans in front of the Athens Academy on Friday, May 6, 2016. Services have ground to a halt in Greece as workers start a three-day general strike protesting new bailout austerity measures they say will further decimate incomes, in a sign of growing discontent with the left-led coalition government.(AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris)

    A guide to radical social work

    Vasilios Ioakimidis
    Inequality and poverty have a devastating effect on service users. Radical social work acknowledges this, and acts to achieve social change
  • Jack Monroe

    Jack Monroe: poverty can happen to anyone

    Jack Monroe

    Jack Monroe: The rhetoric of 'work hard and get on' can fall apart very quickly and you can find yourself in a pit of joblessness, benefit delays and depression

  • Jack Monroe

    Jack Monroe: 'It's time to focus on the real Benefits Street'

    Jack Monroe
    Jack Monroe: Poor people with TVs, tattoos and dogs inspire more anger than MPs with duck houses and moats
  • Jack Monroe

    You can starve on benefits in this country

    Jack Monroe

    Jack Monroe: It's hard to say to a nation that hates benefit claimants: 'Your perception is wrong. The system is flawed,' says Jack Monroe in the first of a new series called Austerity bites
