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Sickle cell disease

July 2024

  • Nadine Mills plays a south Londoner with superpowers in the hit Netflix show Supacell

    Hit Netflix show Supacell is raising awareness of sickle cell anaemia

    Supacell follows a group of south Londoners who develop superpowers, interspersing real-life issues that affect Black and mixed-race Britons

June 2024

  • Elizabeth Odondi standing by a bridge in a garden

    A common condition
    I told my high school friend we’d battle sickle cell together. But she didn’t make it past 18

    Sickle cell is an agonising blood disease that kills thousands of children each year in Africa. As a ‘sickler’ in my 30s, I’m one of the lucky ones

May 2024

  • Donald Rodney
Trophies, engraved plaques
Installation view at Spike Island, Bristol. Work courtesy The Donald Rodney Estate.

    Donald Rodney review – the young dying artist who struck at Britain’s sick, racist heart

  • sickle cells in blood flow illustration

    ‘Life-changing’ drug for sickle cell disease to be offered by NHS in England

April 2024

  • Illustration of sickle cells in blood flow. Photograph: Artur Plawgo/Science Photo Library

    The Audio Long Read
    ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’: Love in the sickle cell capital of the world – podcast

    The prevalence of sickle cell disease is changing how Nigerians date, marry and plan their lives. And as genetic testing becomes more common, prospective parents across the world will face similar questions. By Krithika Varagur

December 2023

  • Illustration of sickle cells in blood flow.

    The long read
    ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’: Love in the sickle cell capital of the world

  • Desmond Muyenga plays with an inflated surgical glove in the haematology ward where he is being treated for sickle cell, in Lusaka, Zambia.

    A common condition
    Strokes, terrible pain and early death: can Zambia help beat sickle cell by screening babies?

November 2023

  • Sickle cell disease illustration

    UK medicines regulator approves gene therapy for two blood disorders

    MHRA authorises uses of Casgevy as a potential cure for sickle cell disease and beta thalassemia

April 2023

  • A man donating blood in Croydon, south London, in October last year.

    More black blood donors urgently needed, say influential Britons

    Prominent names say fact that sickle cell anaemia is UK’s fastest growing genetic condition means need for blood from black donors is acute

March 2023

  • Digital illustration of a human DNA strand

    Science Weekly
    How will gene editing change medicine and who will benefit?

    Ian Sample speaks to Guardian science correspondent Hannah Devlin about the latest developments and debates about gene editing to emerge from a summit at the Francis Crick Institute in London. The summit heard from the first person with sickle cell disease to be treated with a technique known as CRISPR. He also hears from Prof Claire Booth about ensuring these cutting edge treatments are made available to everyone who needs them

January 2023

  • Sickle cell disease changes the shape of blood cells into crescents

    Sickle cell disease patients in England feel neglected, report says

    NHS accused of providing ‘substandard’ care after study says people have poor hospital experiences that can cause harm

December 2022

  • heel prick test on newborn baby

    Genome sequencing trial to test benefits of identifying genetic diseases at birth

    Study with 100,000 babies to look at faster diagnosis of rare conditions and how genetic data might be used

November 2022

  • Human red blood cells magnified 300 times.

    New hope for sickle cell patients as UK trial of lab grown red blood cells begins

    World first clinical test could be good news for people with rare blood groups and those who need frequent transfusions

October 2022

  • A man donates blood in Croydon, south London.

    Sickle cell disease: black donors urged to give blood as demand from patients soars

    NHS says sickle cell is ‘fastest growing genetic condition in UK’ and demand for blood has jumped 67% in five years

August 2022

  • A blood donor in Birmingham on Saturday

    UK Muslim charity trying to break record for blood donations in one day

    Social justice group Who Is Hussain calls for more donations from BAME communities as NHS stocks dwindle
  • 02 Pix 01 to 04 are Lea Kilenga head shots and photos from the field. Lea Kilenga is the Founder and Executive Director of Africa Sickle Cell Organization. She works as a Project Manager and a Patient Advocate and partners with National & Local Government, CSO’s and other Healthcare Stakeholders to create programs, guidelines, policies and healthcare systems around Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in Kenya.

    A common condition
    Silence, stigma and unaffordable drugs: the Kenyan woman finding sickle cell solutions

    As a child, Lea Kilenga was ostracised because of her sickle cell disease. Now she is a champion for others
  • Healthy blood cells are seen along with diseased cells. Aabout 300,000 babies are born with the disease each year.

    A common condition
    Sickle cell disease: nearly 50% of patients receive poor care, says global study

    Across 10 countries almost half those surveyed say they were treated like drug addicts and more than third believe their race influenced poor care

November 2021

  • Evan Nathan Smith, who died in 2019 at North Middlesex hospital in Edmonton, north London.

    Attitudes to race need to change if sickle cell patients are to get the treatment they need

    Kye Gbangbola
  • Evan Nathan Smith

    Sickle cell disease inquiry finds ‘serious care failings’ in NHS

October 2021

  • vial of blood

    NHS England to offer breakthrough treatment for sickle cell disease

    Crizanlizumab is the first new therapy for 20 years for serious and lifelong health condition
About 49 results for Sickle cell disease
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