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Antonin Artaud

July 2022

  • Michael Billington

    Peter Brook was a theatrical pathfinder and a man of boundless curiosity

    Michael Billington
    In our many meetings, the director’s conversation was as invigorating as the way he led audiences through the night in his staging of The Mahabharata

December 2021

  • Gritt

    Gritt review – intriguing, subversive drama about the perils of creativity

    Itonje Søimer Guttormsen’s feature debut traces the story of a troubled young woman on the outside of outsider art

July 2011

  • Katie Mitchell and 59 Productions's video installation Five Truths at the V&A

    Theatre blog
    Five Truths brings new clarity to Ophelia's demise

    Katie Mitchell's new video installation at the V&A refracts Ophelia's death scene into five 20th-century dramatic styles

October 2009

  • nancy spero

    Nancy Spero obituary

  • Maypole. Take No Prisoners

    Nancy Spero's death means the art world loses its conscience

February 2003

  • New life for old anti-US play

    A shout of fury against American global dominance by the dying French playwright Antonin Artaud, censored over half a century ago, will be restaged tomorrow night at Tate Modern.

January 2003

  • Marsyas, part 2: Theatre by Peter Sellars

    The director draws inspiration from Artaud to muse on Bush and God

August 2000

  • Artaud in Wonderland

    Komedia @ Southside

August 1999

  • Off cuts

    Some time in the heady sixties, I came across a poem by Artaud, which began, "All categories are shit". It was an anarchic phrase that haunted me for years. Even as I explained to a room of mildy interested students that they must abandon their personal observations of the world for the objective categories of sociological theory, I would have a sudden and disturbing image of Artaud throwing open the door and, in one bound, freeing my charges from the conceptual apparatus I was endeavouring to tie around their necks.
