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  • Medicinal pills

    Social enterprise Findacure aims to unlock new insights into rare diseases

    Through his social enterprise Nick Sireau and his team aim to change the field of drug development, writes Felicity McLean
  • Group of Indian Women

    Tales from India: how to make the government an ally

    Without government support, social enterprises in India find it difficult to engage

  • Male standing on his head

    Systems of the Future: three ways to tip the system in your favour

    Advice on how to make your business succeed in the long-term, by shifting the market focus and challenging consumer behaviour
  • DRAGONS' DEN cast

    Communicate and stay on target: a recipe for ensuring social impact

    As businesses turn social, how do they guarantee social impact, asks Jonah Brotman
  • online learning

    Social entrepreneurship: on the rise in Sweden?

    Social problems have traditionally been the responsibility of the state, but Swedish social entrepreneurship is becoming more prominent
  • Vienna, Austria

    Young and dynamic: social entrepreneurship in Austria

    Austria's social enterprise sector is growing – and is now looking for talented young people to help shape its future
  • Lady Gaga in Las Vegas

    Twitter's top trumps: are you the Lady Gaga of social enterprise?

  • Specialisterne turns autism into a competitive advantage

    Social innovation is stepping in to help Denmark's exhausted welfare system

  • Karen Mattison MBE

    The role of social enterprise in the recruitment market

    How one social enterprise is playing an important role in helping people find their ideal job

  • Protests Tahrir Square Egypt

    Why the Arab awakening depends on social entrepreneurs

    Social enterprise is naturally democratic and plays an important role in finding solutions to the social upheaval of the Middle East

  • Dr. Mohammad Al-Ubaydli

    How social enterprises can succeed as businesses

    A leading social entrepreneur specialising in healthcare looks at how such enterprises can succeed as businesses