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March 2021

  • Kwasi Kwarteng

    Cuts and budget delays are undermining UK science sector, warns Labour

    No funding earmarked for research agency and Europe’s Horizon scheme despite imminent start to financial year

July 2020

  • John Naughton

    The networker
    Boris Johnson's 'new deal' is Roosevelt lite

    John Naughton
    The PM’S building bonanza involves a sleight of hand while Dominic Cummings’s plan to ape the Americans’ advanced tech agency is flawed

April 2017

  • Robert Taylor, who was instrumental in creating the internet and the modern personal computer, has died. He was 85.

    Robert Taylor, internet and computer pioneer, dies aged 85

    Work for Pentagon in 1960s helped develop internet precursor Arpanet while research at Xerox center in Palo Alto fed the birth of Windows and Apple computers

October 2014

  • composite for ebnay drugs

    Drugs uncovered 2014
    Dark net markets: the eBay of drug dealing

    Jamie Bartlett: Dark net markets are a hidden corner of the internet where illegal substances can be traded. Could moving dealings from street gangs to online traders cut the risks to users?

June 2013

  • Roger Scantlebury, Derek Barber and Donald Davies

    Internet pioneers airbrushed from history

    Letters: But it appears that the work of the pioneering British team that introduced packet switching has been airbrushed from history by the RAE judges

October 2009

  • Intenet at 40

    The internet at 40
    The internet at 40: how Arpanet laid the foundations

  • Intenet at 40

    The internet at 40
    How we used the internet to tell the story of the internet

November 2003

  • Researchers celebrate 30 years of the net

    Internet pioneers gather this week to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Arpanet, the first step towards the creation of the world wide web.

June 2000

  • Donald Davies

    The internet and other networks are based on a fundamental idea developed by the computer scientist Donald Watts Davies, who has died aged 75. He is not always given full credit for his contribution because Paul Baran, an American working at the Rand Corporation in California, had independently come up with the same idea. However, Baran was focusing on a way to restructure AT&T's telephone system. Davies was creating a data network, and the design of the Arpanet, the precursor of the internet, was changed completely to adopt his technique.