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Azerbaijan holidays

June 2015

  • Demonstrators protesting against Azerbaijan human rights abuses in Tbilisi, Georgia, part of rallies organised in cities around the world ahead of the opening ceremony.

    New East network
    From political prisoners to media bans: Baku's European Games in numbers

    Forget medal tallies and world records, some of the most pertinent facts about inaugural event in Azerbaijan involve activities taking place out of competition

September 2014

  • Sovetsky Baku Azerbaijan Sanan Aleskerov

    New East network
    Crumbling majesty: the decaying streets of Azerbaijan – in pictures

    Sanan Aleskerov roves around Baku, Azerbaijan, snapping its dilapidated monuments and disused back roads, its bikini-clad bathers and deserted boardwalks. Here’s a selection of his finest and most forceful images

May 2011

  • Shaki market

    Baku and beyond: a road-trip around Azerbaijan

    Azerbaijan may have won Eurovision, but its beautiful, remote towns are uncharted territory for most Europeans. Kevin Gould takes a tour

February 2010

  • Gueorgui Pinkhassov: Baku With Love

    From Baku with love

    Magnum photographer Gueorgui Pinkhassov's images are an ode to the largest city in the Caucasus – but one still unfamiliar to most European travellers

June 2008

  • Misrepresenting the issues in Nagorno-Karabakh

    Vahe Gabrielyan

    Vahe Gabrielyan: Alexandros Peterson is wrong: the South Caucasus country is a well-functioning democratic entity

December 2000

  • Wacky Baku

    It's too weird to be the new Prague but exotic enough to be a setting for a Bond film. Charlotte Higgins reports.
