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Autumn statement 2014

Latest news and comment on the 2014 autumn statement

November 2015

  • George Osborne

    What to expect from George Osborne's 2015 autumn statement

    Chancellor sets out his spending review and autumn statement on Wednesday. Here’s what he is likely to say on the subjects such as the economy, tax credits and housing

December 2014

  • Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband, David Cameron and Nigel Farage

    Westminster digested
    Austerity, Ukip and the Indyref: the year in politics - digested

  • First Anniversary Of Help To Buy

    First-time home purchases surge to post-crisis high

  • Peter Mandelson

    Mandelson: shadow cabinet must push deficit reduction message

  • John Crace

    The politics sketch
    How Farage and Salmond – but not Miliband – ran Cameron ragged

    John Crace
  • Ten memorable moments 2014
    Racing in 2014: 10 memorable moments

  • George Osborne gambles on spending cuts despite slip in voter support

  • Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    George Osborne questioned by MPs about the autumn statement - as it happened

  • William Keegan's in my view
    The deficit isn’t the real problem. The crisis is in productivity

    William Keegan
  • Could this speech on spending be Ed Miliband’s midwinter spring?

    Martin Kettle
  • George Osborne’s stamp duty reform may boost ailing housing market

  • Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    Nick Clegg v Harriet Harman at PMQs: Politics Live blog

  • Petrol to fall to £1 a litre if oil prices remain low, Treasury MPs told

  • The politics sketch
    John Crace’s sketch: Alexander the irate ends his love affair with the Tories

  • Ignore the flaws. For only Labour can beat the Tories

    Polly Toynbee
  • Inheritance tracks that take us nowhere

  • Cameron and Clegg square off over economy as coalition rifts grow

  • The Guardian view on raising tax allowances: costly, cynical and stupid

  • Economics blog
    Does the aid bill really show the UK’s commitment to development?

    Larry Elliott
  • Nick Clegg: Tories kidding themselves on protecting services during cuts

About 127 results for Autumn statement 2014