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A Berliner in Brexit Britain

Anna Lehmann is exploring Britain over the next seven weeks to report on what leaving the European Union means to people in the UK, and what it looks like from an outsider's viewpoint.

  • A derelict factory building in Grimsby

    Brexit Britain has the deepest faultlines of any country I have known

    British society needs modernisation but instead Brits will be busy rebuilding bridges they are about to tear down
  • Scottish flags

    Can Scotland be part of Brexit-Britain and the EU at the same time?

    Debate continues over Scotland’s future after majority voted to remain in the EU
  • EU-UK campaign

    'We don't want to be alienated': EU citizens stand firm against Brexit

    Despite being unable to vote themselves, EU citizens living in the UK are joining political parties and campaigning
  • The Christmas market in Birmingham

    German businesses in UK worry about Brexit's impact on their market

    Birmingham’s Christmas stalls are thriving but the future looks uncertain for many German firms trading in Britain
  • Ein bayrischer Bierkeller in London.

    ,Sie fühlen sich zurückgewiesen': Wie kommen Deutsche in GB mit dem Brexit klar?

  • A Bavarian beerhouse in Old Street London.

    'They feel rejected': how Germans in Britain are dealing with the Brexit vote

  • A 15m dead parrot promoted the final Monty Python stage show in London in July.

    The great Britain I love has fallen apart – it's an ex-parrot

    Here to ‘watch the British stumble their way out of the EU from close up’, a visiting journalist asks what now for the country of Monty Python and Pulp