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Al-Sweady inquiry

November 2021

  • British soldiers on patrol.

    MoD has settled 417 Iraq war compensation claims this year

    Several million pounds paid to resolve claims that troops subjected Iraqis to inhumane treatment, arbitrary detention or assault

May 2021

  • Always remarkable ... Toby Jones as Phil Shiner in Danny Boy.

    TV review
    Danny Boy review – the tremendous Toby Jones deserves all the awards

  • Anthony Boyle as Brian Wood in Danny Boy.

    TV tonight
    TV tonight: courtroom drama recounts real-life case of Iraq war soldier Brian Wood

June 2017

  • Martyn Day

    No need to apologise to British soldiers over Iraq claims, says Martyn Day

    Lawyer cleared of professional misconduct charges over claims against British forces in Iraq says the case was politically motivated

April 2017

  • Anna Crowther, Martyn Day and Sapna Malik of Leigh Day arrive at the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal in London.

    Law firm 'cocked-up' over list revealing Iraqi abuse claimants were not civilians

  • Martyn Day, Leigh Day’s co-founder, is among the individuals charged.

    Lawyers must be able to bring cases against government 'without fear of reprisals'

March 2017

  • Phil Shiner

    UK police confirm criminal investigation into Iraq human rights lawyer

    National Crime Agency says it is pursuing a number of lines of inquiry into Phil Shiner, who was struck off last month

February 2017

  • Phil Shiner

    Phil Shiner: Iraq human rights lawyer struck off over misconduct

    Tribunal had found Shiner guilty of charges including dishonesty over false witness accounts about UK soldiers’ actions
  • Phil Shiner

    Phil Shiner: steep fall from grace for leading UK human rights lawyer

    Once lauded for his dedication to fighting for justice, Shiner’s disqualification as a solicitor will pulverise his reputation
  • Phil Shiner failed to appear at the hearing to defend his record.

    Lawyer may have to repay £3.2m over al-Sweady inquiry, court told

    Phil Shiner is accused of professional misconduct in pursuing false allegations against British troops in Iraq

August 2016

  • Public Interest Lawyers in Birmingham

    Law firm at centre of Al-Sweady inquiry to close down, say reports

    Theresa May said to be pleased at closure of Public Interest Lawyers, which submitted allegations of unlawful killing

January 2016

  • Detained Iraqis being guarded by a British soldier that was shown at the Al-Sweady Inquiry iinto claims that British troops killed and tortured Iraqi civilians.

    Defence and security blog
    How many Iraqis were killed or abused by British soldiers? We may never know

  • Al-Sweady inquiry chairman Sir Thayne Forbes

    Law firm referred to disciplinary tribunal over Al-Sweady inquiry

December 2014

  • Al-Sweady inquiry

    Al-Sweady: Michael Fallon rejects Baha Mousa and Abu Ghraib comparison

  • Detained Iraqis

    Al-Sweady inquiry: Iraqis mistreated but UK troops did not murder insurgents

  • Camp Abu Naji

    What is the al-Sweady inquiry?

  • British military helicopter lands in Iraq

    MoD expected to face censure in al-Sweady inquiry report

April 2014

  • Soldiers' Iraqi accusers repeatedly lied under oath, al-Sweady inquiry told

    MoD lawyers accuse Iraqi complainants of 'criminal conspiracy' motivated by attempt to extract compensation

  • Army boots

    British soldiers 'violated Geneva conventions', al-Sweady inquiry told

    Violations, including mock executions, took place during battle in which 20 Iraqis were killed, public inquiry into incident is told
  • Mizal Karim al-Sweady photograph son

    Al-Sweady inquiry to hear closing arguments

    Lawyers for families of dead Iraqis, soldiers and MoD to make final statements in hearings that have taken over a year

About 38 results for Al-Sweady inquiry