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Autumn statement 2011

December 2012

  • piggy bank

    Savings rates at all-time low – so where can you stash your increased Isa cash?

  • George Osborne

    Only a fraction of capital spending promised last year has materialised

March 2012

  • HS2 high-speed rail plan

    Pension funds back George Osborne's infrastructure plan with £4bn

    Chancellor's vision of building recovery with private cash for roads, high-speed railways and power stations a step closer

January 2012

  • PM can't afford to let Johnson lose London

    Letters: We should not pretend David Cameron wants Boris Johnson to lose the London elections. He doesn't.

December 2011

  • Ed Balls says he and his wife Yvette Cooper will not involve their children in publicity

    Ed Balls says voters will turn to Labour on economy

  • Ed Miliband and Ed Balls

    Labour party shadow cabinet agonises about economic message

  • How best to nurse the economy back to health

  • John Bercow, the Commons Speaker

    Coalition government suffers firsts Commons defeat

  • Secret diary of a playwright
    The difficulty of making drama out of this winter of discontent

  • Lib Dems' divided loyalties

  • George Osborne: time to play fair

  • George Osborne has no idea how to rescue the economy – but then who has?

    Will Hutton
  • All the party leaders will have to rewrite the stories that they tell us

    Andrew Rawnsley
  • Observer comment cartoon
    Back to the future with George Osborne

    Chris Riddell
  • Britain can't afford to go cool on climate change

  • If George Osborne and co forget the common good, the planet will fry

    Peter Wilby
  • Constructive criticism
    Constructive criticism: the week in architecture

  • What George Osborne is cutting is hope

    Mary O'Hara
  • Child poverty target changes signalled by coalition

  • George Osborne's autumn statement speaks to the public mood

    Martin Kettle
About 109 results for Autumn statement 2011