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Arizona shooting

June 2013

  • Aurora shootings

    Gun control is not the answer to mass shootings. Mental health treatment is

    Dottie Pacharis

    Dottie Pacharis: Recent tragedies in Newtown, Aurora and Tucson show it's not guns, but untreated mentally ill people with guns that's the issue

January 2013

  • Tucson shooting vitims

    Tucson shooting survivor heartened by Obama's gun plan: 'Now is the time'

  • The NRA goes on the deeply offensive with its 'Stand and Fight' ad

    Paul Harris

August 2012

  • Wade Michael Page

    On US democracy
    How many killings will it take for the US to get serious about gun control?

    Amy Goodman

    Amy Goodman: As politicians peddle platitudes on second amendment rights and soul-searching, 32 Americans are shot to death every day

  • Gabrielle Giffords memorial

    Jared Loughner enters guilty plea after being found competent to stand trial

    Psychologist says Arizona shooting suspect understands charges as Loughner enters plea deal that spares death penalty

  • Memorial to the victims of the shooting in Aurora

    US mayors run ad during Olympics coverage calling for tighter gun controls

    High-profile spot features survivors of Tucson shooting and compares US gun violence to 'three Aurora shootings every day'

July 2012

  • Columbine shooting surveillance tape

    From Columbine to Aurora: six ways we're condemned to repeat ourselves

    Andrew Gumbel

    Andrew Gumbel: With each new mass shooting outrage, a melancholy pattern of media hype, misreporting and political opportunism asserts itself

January 2012

  • Gabrielle Giffords

    Gabrielle Giffords to resign from US Congress to work on recovery

  • Gabrielle Giffords

    Congresswoman Giffords returns to scene of Arizona shootings a year on

August 2011

  • Gabrielle Giffords returns to House of Representatives for debt deal vote - video

    Democrat congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords attends Congress for the first time since she was shot in Arizona in January.
    Giffords received widespread applause as she took her seat, before voting in favour of the debt deal.
    Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader, described her as the 'personification of courage, sincerity and admiration throughout the country'

June 2011

  • Handguns for sale in a shop in Red Falls, Idaho, USA

    Time to target gun control

    Rodrigo Camarena
  • Gabrielle Giffords

    First Gabrielle Giffords images since shooting published on Facebook

May 2011

  • Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

    Gabrielle Giffords to undergo skull surgery

    Surgery comes days after US congresswoman travelled to Florida to watch astronaut husband launch into space

February 2011

  • Gabrielle Giffords with her husband, Nasa astronaut Mark Kelly, in April 2010.

    Gabrielle Giffords's astronaut husband prepares for space mission

  • Charlton Heston NRA gun control 2000

    America's endless romance with guns

    Clancy Sigal
  • Gabrielle Giffords

    Gabrielle Giffords lip-synchs in sign of continuing recovery

  • Mark Kelly

    Gabrielle Giffords speaks one month after Arizona shooting

January 2011

  • Tucson shooting: Undercover agents expose loophole in US gun laws

    New York mayor sent investigators to Phoenix, Arizona – where they were able to buy Glock pistols with no questions asked
  • Jared Lee Loughner

    Jared Loughner pleads not guilty to Arizona shootings

    Witnesses reported Loughner smiled broadly throughout the hearing, including moment when his lawyer entered plea of not guilty

  • NRA convention, Kentucky, 2008, Glock pistol

    Why gun control always misfires

    Steven Hill

    Steven Hill: The NRA is a fringe interest group – only the US's dysfunctional electoral system allows it to leverage so much power

About 115 results for Arizona shooting