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Avian flu casts shadow over beauty of China's bird lake

This article is more than 19 years old
Migrating species may cause global pandemic, scientists warn

The scenery could not be more different, but the craggy western shore of Qinghai Lake is the Piccadilly Circus of the bird world. Set in a plateau 3,000 metres high and ringed by checkered yellow and green slopes, this area is an intersection for 189 avian species which either breed, nest or rest here.

So many gulls, geese, larks, egrets, swans and cormorants fly in and out of Bird Island - actually a small peninsula jutting out from the western end of the 60-mile saltwater lake - that locals claim the skies are sometimes darkened by feathered traffic.

In autumn and spring, the migration of hundreds of thousands of birds is such a glorious sight that Qinghai Lake draws tourists from all over the world. But after the first mass outbreak of avian flu among wild birds this summer, the resort is attracting attention from a different group of bird watchers: international scientists, health officials and agricultural experts.

Virologists writing in the journals Science and Nature warned last month that Bird Island could become a nexus for the H5N1 virus to mutate and spread across the globe, possibly becoming more virulent and developing into a deadly pandemic.

Until now, the disease has been concentrated largely in poultry-related communities in Asia, where it has led to the culling of 120 million fowl and the deaths of at least 63 people.

But in Qinghai, the pathogen has struck a different population, killing more than 5,000 wild birds, mostly bar-headed geese, but also great black-headed gulls, brown-headed gulls, ruddy shelducks and common cormorants.

Other species may be carriers, having been infected without developing symptoms, as is often the case with ducks. But the Chinese authorities have yet to release the results of research into the outbreak, which has left the international community guessing about the prevalence and virulence of the Qinghai strain of H5N1.

The lack of information has prompted increasingly anxious calls for more transparency. With the next big migration season due to start at the end of the month, the World Health Organisation says there is an urgent need for more information about the outbreak before the birds head south and west for the winter.

"Time is running out," said Julie Hall, the WHO official in charge of communicable diseases in China. "This is an international issue. We need to give an early warning to countries on the birds' routes."

Rangers at Qinghai Lake and local guidebooks say the birds will head to southern China, but international organisations suggest they will migrate across a far wider area, stretching from breeding grounds in Russia during the summer, down to wintering areas in south-east Asia and India. If so, their paths will crisscross the routes of birds that fly to Europe and America.

But there are so many different species that nobody knows for sure. "There are almost no studies of the migration patterns of these birds," said an official at the Institute of Zoology in the Chinese Academy of Science. "This is an area where Chinese research is lacking."

In some places, the warnings may come too late. Last week, Russia reported its first case of bird flu. About 300 poultry were infected in Siberia, which is thought to be one of the summer breeding areas for wild birds from Qinghai.

In June, two outbreaks were reported in Xinjiang province, next door to Qinghai. The government refused to allow international health and agriculture officials to visit the area, but officials said migratory birds appeared to have spread the disease to local poultry stocks.

Since the first dead goose was found in Qinghai, the priority of the authorities has been to minimise the economic damage through containment of the disease and scientific research into its origins.

Workers on Bird Island say there is video footage of the first infected birds, which died on May 3. "We watched everything by remote camera," said an official who declined to be named. "There were three birds which were obviously suffering. They were fluttering around in a circle that had been formed by the other healthy birds. When I reported this to my boss, he told me not to touch them. The hygiene department came in soon after with masks and gloves."

Police and troops were sent in to cordon off a 30-mile radius in the sparsely populated Gancha district. The entire local stock of 20,000 poultry was culled without compensation. "Our family had five chickens and we were told we had to kill them all or we would be fined. It was a real blow," said Zhang Gi-hua, whose household income is less than £140 per year. "I used to buy my children's pens and schoolbooks with the money from the eggs."

No visitors were allowed inside a second 10-mile radius inner cordon without surgical masks and gloves. Those living inside were given disinfectant and hygiene lectures by local officials.

Anti-government websites spread rumours that more than 100 people had been killed by the disease, but nobody in the area had heard about any human deaths.

Chinese authorities have clamped down heavily on scientists whose research has differed from the official version of events, which is that the disease spread from outside China's borders.

The Joint Influenza Research Centre, a laboratory run by universities in Hong Kong and China, published studies suggesting the strain of H5N1 virus found in the Qinghai birds might have been picked up from poultry farms in southern China. Punishment was swift: the centre closed last week after the ministry of agriculture said it lacked biological safety standards. The government has also issued new regulations restricting research into H5N1 to three government laboratories.

In Qinghai, the authorities claim the outbreak is over. Last week, the cordons were lifted and tourists were allowed back on to Bird Island.

But without research into the seemingly healthy birds, the virus may simply be dormant, waiting to wing its way across the globe. That risk does not appear to worry the locals, most of whom are just relieved that they can resume their normal lives.

Among them were the monks at the Tibetan lamasery in Shatou, a mile from Bird Island.

Geri Caidan, a 20-year-old acolyte, said: "We believed Buddha would keep us safe so we chanted scriptures every day and prayed for the disease to leave the area."

The question is, where will it go next?

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