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Abdel Hakim Belhaj

The latest news and comment on Libyan politician and military leader, Abdel Hakim Belhaj

April 2019

  • Abdel Hakim Belhaj

    UK spent £11m of public money fighting Libya rendition case

    Figures show vast sums spent resisting apology demands over rendition of Libyan dissidents

August 2018

  • Theresa May apologised for Britain’s role in the kidnap and torture of Abdel Hakim Belhaj and his wife.

    British government misses own torture inquiry deadline

    Ministers under pressure to launch judge-led inquiry into UK role in post-9/11 abuses

June 2018

  • Fatima Boudchar, and her son

    UK spies ‘still share intelligence gained abroad by torture’

    Labour says cases that breach official rules have doubled in a year

May 2018

  • Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, holding a press conference with his Argentinian counterpart, Jorge Faurie, in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    Boris Johnson rejects Bank of England's claim Brexit has already damaged UK economy - Politics live

  • Tony Blair

    Tony Blair refuses to apologise to Libyan torture victim Abdel Hakim Belhaj

  • PM Tony Blair with Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi at his desert base outside Sirte, south of Tripoli, in May 2007.

    UK government trying to block release of files exposing Gaddafi links

  • Will Hutton

    In the Belhaj case, Britain set aside the rule of law and moral principles

    Will Hutton
  • Abde​​l Hakim Belhaj rendition: ex-minister calls for inquiry

  • Jack Straw faces call to give evidence over role in Libyan rendition

  • Britain apologises for 'appalling treatment' of Abdel Hakim Belhaj

  • Politics live with Andrew Sparrow
    Rendition victim gets £500,000 compensation as May apologises 'unreservedly' for UK's conduct - Politics live

  • Settlement in Abdel Hakim Belhaj rendition case to be announced

February 2018

  • Tony Blair meeting Muammar Gaddafi in 2007.

    Extent of UK cooperation with Gaddafi revealed

    Previously secret documents discovered in Tripoli shed fresh light on MI6’s links with Tripoli and Tony Blair’s role

November 2017

  • Sir Mark Allen

    Legal challenge in Libya rendition case must be held in public, court told

    Abdel Hakim Belhaj and Fatima Boudchar are challenging DPP’s refusal to charge ex-MI6 officer for his alleged role in torture

July 2017

  • The former foreign secretary Jack Straw

    Rendition case against Jack Straw must be held in secret, judge rules

  • Abdel Hakim Belhaj pictured in 2011 in Tripoli, Libya

    Libya rendition case is 'Kafkaesque nightmare' for victims, court told

June 2017

  • Jack Straw

    Foreign Office wants rendition case against Jack Straw to be held in private

    Former foreign secrerary faces damages claim over alleged role in abduction and torture of Libyan dissident and his pregnant wife

May 2017

  • Sir Mark Allen

    Libya rendition case against ex-MI6 officer may be held partly in secret

    Abdel Hakim Belhaj and Fatima Boudchar are challenging decision not to charge Sir Mark Allen over alleged role in torture

February 2017

  • Abdul Hakim Belhaj

    MI6 chief’s role in abduction of Gaddafi foe Belhaj set to be revealed

    High court to consider review of decision not to prosecute former MI6 director over Abdel Hakim Belhaj case

January 2017

  • Cori Crider

    Why can’t Britain apologise to these victims of rendition?

    Cori Crider
    With MI6’s help, Libyan dissident Abdel Hakim Belhaj was handed over to Muammar Gaddafi and tortured. Yet still our government won’t say sorry
About 69 results for Abdel Hakim Belhaj