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Abdelbaset al-Megrahi

December 2022

  • Tony Blair and Nelson Mandela outside 10 Downing Street in July 1997

    Blair government had misgivings about Mandela mediation role over Lockerbie

  • Lockerbie bombing suspect Abu Agila Mohammad Masud Kheir Al-Marimi appears in federal court in Washington<br>Abu Agila Mohammad Mas'ud Kheir Al-Marimi, also known as Mohammed Abouajela Masud, accused of making the bomb that blew up Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland in 1988, is shown listening in this courtroom sketch drawn during an initial court appearance in U.S. District Court in Washington, U.S. December 12, 2022. REUTERS/Bill Hennessy NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. WASHINGTON AREA OUT. WASHINGTON POST OUT. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

    Abduction of Lockerbie bomb suspect ‘agreed with US three months ago’

July 2021

  • Tony Blair and Nelson Mandela outside No 10 Downing Street on 10 July 1997.

    Tony Blair urged Nelson Mandela not to discuss Lockerbie trial, papers show

    Blair wrote to then South African leader in 1997 after aides said raising issue at summit in Scotland would be ‘pretty disastrous’

January 2021

  • FILES-BRITAIN-LIBYA-LOCKERBIE-MEGRAHI-APPEAL<br>(FILES) In this file photo taken on February 18, 1992 convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi (C) is escorted by security officers. - Five judges at Scotland’s highest court of criminal appeal on January 15, 2021 issue their ruling in a posthumous appeal by the family of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbased Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi. (Photo by MANOOCHER DEGHATI / FILES / AFP) (Photo by MANOOCHER DEGHATI/FILES/AFP via Getty Images)

    Megrahi family to appeal to UK supreme court over Lockerbie conviction

    Scottish court of appeal rules Libyan was properly convicted of 1988 bombing of passenger plane

December 2020

  • FILES-BRITAIN-SCOTLAND-LIBYA-COURT-LOCKERBIE<br>(FILES) In this file photo taken on December 22, 1988 Policemen look at the wreckage of the 747 Pan Am airliner that exploded and crashed over Lockerbie, Scotland. The flight was on route for New York with 259 passengers on board. All 243 passengers and 16 crew members were killed as well as 11 Lockerbie residents. - A posthumous legal challenge to overturn the conviction of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Mohmet Al-Megrahi is due to begin in Scotland on November 24, 2020. Megrahi was the only person convicted of bombing Pan Am Flight 103, which was blown up as it travelled from London to New York over the Scottish town of Lockerbie on December 21, 1988. A total of 270 people from 21 countries were killed -- 243 passengers, 16 crew, and 11 people on the ground -- in what remains Britain’s biggest terrorist attack. (Photo by ROY LETKEY / AFP) (Photo by ROY LETKEY/AFP via Getty Images)

    US set to announce new charges over Lockerbie plane bombing

    Attorney general William Barr expected to confirm that US has indicted Mohammed Abouagela Masud

November 2020

  • Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah, left, and right, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi

    Lockerbie: court urged to use diaries to uphold Megrahi's conviction

  • The remains of Pan Am flight 103

    Lockerbie bombing: court 'should have been told witness wanted payment'

  • Abdelbaset al-Megrahi in 2009.

    Lockerbie bombing: facts 'cherrypicked' to convict Megrahi, court told

  • Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi in 1992. He was convicted in 2001.

    Scottish judges rule Lockerbie documents will remain secret

June 2020

  • Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the only person convicted for downing a US passenger jet that killed 270 people over Lockerbie.

    Lockerbie bombing: Megrahi lawyers seek to quash conviction

    Family of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi – Libyan man who has since died – lodge appeal over possible miscarriage of justice

April 2017

  • Abdelbaset al-Megrahi pictured in 2009, the year he was released on compassionate grounds after a diagnosis of terminal prostate cancer.

    Abdelbaset al-Megrahi's family to appeal Lockerbie conviction

    Lawyer for Libyan’s widow and son says files will be handed to Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission within fortnight

October 2015

  • The wrecked nose section of the Pan Am flight 103 in a field in Lockerbie.

    Two Libyans identified as Lockerbie bombing suspects

    Scottish prosecutors believe two individuals were involved along with Abdelbaset al-Megrahi in 1988 attack on Pan Am flight 103

December 2014

  • Lockerbie bomber guilt reaffirmed

    Lockerbie bomber’s guilt reaffirmed by Scotland’s top prosecutor

    Abdelbaset al-Megrahi’s guilt in killing of 270 people in 1988 Pan Am bombing remains unchallenged by Crown Office

June 2014

  • Lockerbie bomber’s family pursues fresh bid to clear his name

    Lockerbie bomber's family pursues fresh bid to clear his name

    Relatives of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the only person found guilty of the 1988 bombing, seek third appeal against his conviction

February 2014

  • Abdullah al-Senussi

    Lockerbie bombing inquiry: lawyer warns police over al-Senussi interview

    Interviewing potential suspect in Tripoli jail without lawyer would break precedent, Scotland's lord advocate told

July 2013

  • Tony Blair with Muammar Gaddafi in 2007

    Email links Lockerbie bomber's prison transfer to £400m Libyan arms deal

    Document emerges from 2008 showing agreement 'ready for signature' as soon as purchase of air defence system concluded

January 2013

  • Gaddafi spy chief Abdullah al-Senussi arrested in Mauritania

    Abdullah al-Senussi: Foreign Office urged to prevent execution of spy chief

    Lawyer calls for ex-Gaddafi aide to be tried in the Hague amid fears a trial in Libya would result in his conviction and execution

August 2012

  • John Ashton at the Edinburgh international book festival

    Megrahi cancer diagnosis was 'gift' to authorities, says biographer

    Convicted Lockerbie bomber's ill-health was convenient for everyone with 'something to hide', author tells book festival

May 2012

  • Greenslade
    Scottish papers' coverage of Megrahi death 'crass and repugnant'

  • Lockerbie bomber Megrahi buried at simple funeral in Libya

About 288 results for Abdelbaset al-Megrahi