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Alassane Ouattara

August 2020

  • Opposition protest against Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara’s decision to run for a third term at elections in October.

    Will Ivory Coast's 'president for life' unleash chaos?

    Alassane Ouattara has outstayed his welcome. His attempt to cling on for a third term could make parts of the country ungovernable

August 2018

  • Simone Gbagbo pictured in 2016

    Ivory Coast president pardons 800 people including ex-first lady

    Simone Gbagbo was serving 20-year sentence for role in post-election unrest of 2010

January 2017

  • Former Ivorian prime minister Daniel Kablan Duncan (C) walks out the National Assembly on January 10, 2017 in Abidjan after being appointed Ivory Coast's Vice-President. 
Former Ivorian prime minister Kablan Duncan, who resigned along with his government on January 9, has been appointed Ivory Coast's Vice-President on January 10, 2017. Ivory Coast initiated a post-election reshuffle on January 9 and fired the heads of its armed forces and police after a brief army mutiny that stoked security fears in the world's top cocoa producer. / AFP PHOTO / ISSOUF SANOGOISSOUF SANOGO/AFP/Getty Images

    Ivory Coast’s Alassane Ouattara appoints former prime minister as vice-president

    President’s naming of long-time ally Daniel Kablan Duncan for newly created post seen as signalling his choice of successor in 2020

January 2016

  • Laurent Gbagbo and his lawyer Emmanuel Altit

    Former Ivory Coast president on trial for 'unspeakable' crimes

    Trial of Laurent Gbagbo, who has pleaded not guilty, is most high profile in The Hague since ICC was set up in 2002

April 2014

  • Alassane Ouattara

    Reconciliation falters in Ivory Coast as Ouattara is slow to welcome back exiles

    Three years after the fall of Laurent Gbagbo, justice has still not been done as presidential elections loom into view

November 2012

  • Laurent Gbagbo

    Ivory Coast military accused of torture during 'reprisal' crackdown

  • Alassane Ouattara

    Ivory Coast president dissolves government

October 2012

  • Ivory coast university

    Rebirth of a university in Ivory Coast

    Studies resume after 18-month delay caused by post-election violence between supporters of Gbagbo and Ouattara

June 2012

  • Bodies of UN peacekeepers killed near Liberia border

    Ivory Coast mercenaries train child soldiers for attacks across Liberia border

    'Small boys units' loyal to the former president Laurent Gbagbo reportedly formed for fighting in western Ivory Coast

December 2011

  • Laurent Gbagbo faces ICC trial

    Laurent Gbagbo appears at The Hague to face trial

  • Laurent Gbagbo

    Laurent Gbagbo appears before international criminal court

August 2011

  • MDG : Ivory Coast / destroyed buildings due to post-election fightin

    Guardian development network
    Ivory Coast: The road to economic recovery

    The government has allocated $13m to compensate small and medium-sized businesses for the damages they suffered during the post-election crisis earlier this year

July 2011

  • western ivory coast

    Post-election battle lines have yet to fade in western Ivory Coast

    Fear of reprisals slows return of those displaced by clashes between forces loyal to Alassane Ouattara and Laurent Gbagbo

May 2011

  • Ivory Coast Republican Forces

    Supporters of Ivory Coast president Alassane Ouattara 'killing enemies'

    Atrocities being committed against real or perceived supporters of former leader Laurent Gbagbo, says Amnesty International

  • Ivory Coast mass grave

    UN investigators find 68 bodies in Ivory Coast mass grave

    Likely victims of Gbagbo militias spread out across 10 burial mounds discovered in mass grave on soccer field in Abidjan
    • Ivory Coast: the agonies of reconciliation

      Anne Schumann
    • Ivory Coast forces stamp out Gbagbo resistance

    • Ivory Coast: Dozens die as Laurent Gbagbo's militia fight on

April 2011

  • Ivory coast

    Fighting threatens Ivory Coast return to normality

  • Red cross members remove a body in Abidjan

    Alassane Ouattara reaches summit but has more mountains to climb

About 80 results for Alassane Ouattara