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Anwar al-Awlaki

November 2017

  • (FILES) - A file picture released by the SITE Intelligence Group on September 26, 2010 shows US-Yemeni radical Anwar al-Awlaki speaking during a video lecture at an unknown location. The younger brother of Said Kouachi, one of the suspects in the attack against French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015, said Kouachi made a trip to Yemen in 2011 which was financed by al-Awlaki. AFP PHOTO / SITE INTELLIGENCE GROUP / HO  === RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / HO / SITE INTELLIGENCE GROUP" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ===HO/AFP/Getty Images

    'YouTube Islamist' Anwar al-Awlaki videos removed in extremism clampdown

    Google removes tens of thousands of videos showing sermons and lectures by radical cleric, but experts caution over ad-hoc action

February 2017

  • nawar anwar al awlaki

    Eight-year-old American girl 'killed in Yemen raid approved by Trump'

    Anwar al-Awlaki’s daughter, Nawar, may have been fatally shot in intelligence operation on al-Qaida that left at least 14 people, including a US commando, dead

November 2016

  • General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper

    How the US justifies drone strikes: targeted killing, secrecy and the law

    For decades the US condemned targeted killings, characterizing them as assassinations – but it was unclear what distinguished America’s drone campaign from the killings it historically rejected as unlawful

August 2016

  • Anwar al-Awlaki

    CDs bearing radical cleric's name linked to Detroit man arrested over grenades

    Federal authorities would not disclose what the CDs contained, but listed them alongside a stockpile of weapons and ammunition found at the man’s home

March 2015

  • inspire magazine image grab

    London man accused of aiding al-Qaida faces life sentence in US after extradition

    Ming Quang Pham is charged with several counts stemming from his alleged training and propaganda work with al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula

February 2015

  • Cori Crider

    Why was US citizen Sharif Mobley abandoned in Yemen?

    Cori Crider
  • Hate preacher Anwar al-Awlaki Global Aid Trust

    Global Aid Trust head steps down over charity's alleged links to extremism

January 2015

  • ‘Radical propagandist’: Anwar al-Awlaki gives a video lecture in 2010.

    The road that led from tough Paris estate to radical Yemen training

    Killer brothers travelled the route taken by a growing cadre of young men

July 2014

  • Paul Greengrass

    Paul Greengrass lined up for adaptation of Morten Storm's al-Qaida memoir

  • National flag of Yemen

    US diplomats admit contact in Yemen with missing citizen Sharif Mobley

June 2014

  • barack obama hand

    Obama's 'drone memo' is finally public. Now show us the library of secret law

    Jameel Jaffer
  • Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen, was killed in an American drone strike in Yemen.

    US cited controversial law in decision to kill American citizen by drone

May 2014

  • Rand Paul

    US Senate clears way for drone memo author's judicial nomination

    David Barron, Harvard law professor who drafted key memo authorizing controversial targeted killing program, poised to become federal judge
  • Predator drone aircraft

    Report: secret drone memo to be disclosed by Obama administration

    Justice Department reportedly to allow release of partially redacted memo outlining legal justification for targeting US citizens abroad
  • yemen prison

    Lawyers for US citizen missing from Yemeni jail ask UN to intervene

    Sharif Mobley's attorneys consider him to be 'disappeared' from central prison in Sana'a, as he has not been seen since 27 February

April 2014

  • Anwar al-Awlaki, a US citizen, was killed in an American drone strike in Yemen.

    US ordered to release memo in Anwar al-Awlaki drone killing

  • National flag of Yemen

    American citizen Sharif Mobley is missing in Yemen – lawyers

May 2013

  • Barack Obama at a White House press conference

    Obama to bring US drone programme out from 'legal shadows' of the CIA

  • US Navy SEALs during desert combat training.

    Authorization for Use of Military Force: a blank check for war without end

    Michael Shank and Matt Southworth

March 2013

  • Glenn Greenwald on security and liberty
    The racism that fuels the 'war on terror'

    Glenn Greenwald

    Glenn Greenwald: A new Gallup poll finds a majority of Americans oppose the drone-executions of US citizens on foreign soil. Then why do they support the Awlaki killing?

About 74 results for Anwar al-Awlaki