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Ashraf Ghani

August 2022

  • Bibi Asya visits her uncle and aunt at their home in the village of Ismail Khel.

    ‘They beat girls just for smiling’: life in Afghanistan one year after the Taliban’s return

    Despite their promises of peace and stability, the country is on its knees, and its people are desperate

May 2022

  • Summer training of Afghan security forces begin in Herat<br>epa09149228 Afghan security forces show their skills during summer training in Herat, Afghanistan, 21 April 2021. Afghans are anticipating a surge in violence after the United States announced that it would withdraw its troops from Afghanistan by 11 September, despite Washington promising continued assistance during a surprise visit by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. EPA/JALIL REZAYEE

    US withdrawal triggered catastrophic defeat of Afghan forces, damning watchdog report finds

    Report by special inspector general blames Trump and Biden administrations, as well as the Afghan government of Ashraf Ghani

December 2021

  • Ex-Afghan president gives first interview since fleeing Kabul – video

  • The former Afghan president Ashraf Ghani

    Ashraf Ghani blames international allies over Afghanistan’s fall to Taliban

September 2021

  • Afghan women during an anti-Pakistan protest rally, near the Pakistan embassy in Kabul

    Taliban ban protests and slogans that don’t have their approval

    Rallies in Afghanistan have already been broken up violently, now ‘severe consequences’ are threatened for demonstrators

August 2021

  • Former Afghan president Ashraf Ghani

    Ghani’s hasty departure leaves anger and bitterness in its wake

  • A Taliban photograph shows Hamid Karzai, centre left, talking to Anas Haqqani, right, leader of the Haqqani Network of the Taliban.

    Former Afghanistan president Karzai talks with Taliban about power transfer

  • Taliban fighters in Kabul

    The Guardian view on Afghanistan: unnecessary suffering

  • Taliban fighters patrolling in Kabul, Afghanistan, 16 August 2021

    The Taliban have retaken Afghanistan – this time, how will they rule it?

    Antonio Giustozzi
  • Afghan president Ashraf Ghani: intellectual who had no answer to the Taliban

  • The fall of Kabul: a 20-year mission collapses in a single day

  • Defeat amid anxious bureaucracy of western evacuation from Afghanistan

  • Last major Afghan city in the north falls to the Taliban

  • Afghan president in urgent talks as Taliban push closer to Kabul

July 2021

  • Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, left, the Taliban co-founder, and the Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, meeting in Tianjin, China, on Wednesday.

    China’s talks with Taliban could be a positive thing, US says

    Delegation from militants meets Chinese foreign minister as Beijing seeks to extend influence in Afghanistan

October 2020

  • Applicants for Pakistan visas gathering at the soccer stadium, Jalalabad city, Afghanistan, 21 October

    Stadium crush kills at least 11 women seeking visas to leave Afghanistan

    Others injured as thousands amass at football ground in Jalalabad to apply for visas for Pakistan

July 2020

  • Afghan soldiers participate in a military operation in Qelgho area of Khogyani district of Nangarhar province, eastern Afghanistan

    Taliban agree Eid ceasefire in boost for Afghanistan peace process

    Militants to halt fighting over Muslim holiday following deal to release 5000 combatants

May 2020

  • Kabul residents pass a mural of the US envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, left, and head of the Taliban peace delegation, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.

    Afghanistan attacks underscore scale of challenge facing peace negotiators

    Taliban admits killing nine militiamen died denies targeting 14 worshippers
  • Abdul Rashid Dostum

    Afghan power deal hands top military post to man accused of torturing rival

    Presidential challengers Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah agree to share power
  • Afghan security officials in Kabul.

    Hopes for peace appear to be slipping away in Afghanistan

    Peace process between the government and Taliban was crumbling before talks began
About 122 results for Ashraf Ghani