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Amnesty at 50

  • Amnesty supporter Carl Barat

    Amnesty: why the pen is mightier than the sword

    To mark its half-century, Amnesty International is asking supporters to write letters once again

  • I long for the day when Amnesty is needed no more

    Michael Morpurgo
    Michael Morpurgo: Giving children a love of literature could help make Amnesty International redundant
  • Belarus

    The battle for a free Belarus

    Just two hours from Britain is Europe's last dictatorship, a country that recalls Stalinist Russia. But thanks to an underground theatre group – and supporters including Jude Law and Tom Stoppard – the world is finally waking up to its plight

  • Amnesty case studies

    Free at last... and they all owe their lives to Amnesty

  • 1969 General Amnesty International Poster

    Amnesty International posters - in pictures

  • Amnesty workers

    Amnesty activists: meet the people on the human rights frontline

    All over the globe, Amnesty workers battle oppression. What drives them to do it, and what pressures do they operate under? Here we speak to six workers tackling injustice
