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An impossible choice: the Pacific's climate crisis

This series looks at the decision faced by Pacific people as climate change makes their islands unliveable: can we stay on our land or will we be forced to leave?

  • high-tide flooding in the Marshall Islands capital Majuro

    Guardian Australia wins Lowy Institute media award for An Impossible Choice climate podcast

    The podcast about the dilemmas facing Pacific Islanders won the Lowy award for best coverage of climate change
  • Illustration of a flooded court room

    Part 3: What does the world owe the Pacific?

  • Illustration of island surrounded by ocean: Nash Weerasekera/The Guardian

    Part 2: Leave your island or fight to stay?

  • Illustration for Pacific Islands Climate Change Podcast.

    Part 1: When climate change arrives at your door

    A podcast examining the decision faced by Pacific people as climate change makes their islands unliveable: can we stay on our land or will we be forced to leave?
  • 'One of the greatest injustices': Pacific islands on the frontline of the climate crisis – video

    Pacific countries are among those most at risk amid the climate crisis and people across the region face an impossible choice
  • A person is standing while surrounded by water. The person is facing a judge who is seated behind a bench, while looking down. Illustration for Pacific Islands Climate Change Podcast.

    An impossible choice: what does the world owe the Pacific?

  • A girl walks past the cemetery in Jenrok village, on the Majuro atoll

    Rising sea levels threaten Marshall Islands’ status as a nation, World Bank report warns

  • A small island is surrounded by water. Illustration for Pacific Islands Climate Change Podcast.

    An impossible choice: leave your island or fight to stay?

  • Toruar Island in the Saposa chain off Bougainville

    ‘My father will go down like the captain of the Titanic’: life on the Pacific’s disappearing islands

  • Illustration for Pacific Islands Climate Change Podcast

    In Samoa we are born into land, climate change threatens to take it away from us

  • An illustration of a parent holding two young children. Behind them, there are trees blowing and the colour of the sky is red and orange

    An impossible choice: when climate change arrives at your door
