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Live chats

  • Brian Blessed live online

    traveleditor: One to kick off: What led you to work with Scope? What does your role in overseas activities involve?

  • Architecture debate

    On June 28, 2001 four of Britain's foremost architects were live online in a debate hosted by the Guardian's architecture critic Jonathan Glancey. The panellists were Dickon Robinson, Hans van der Heijden, Pierre d'Avoine and Sarah Wigglesworth.
  • Julie Burchill

    23 April: Does Julie Burchill really think that nine out of 10 women who enjoy sex have been abused? The Guardian columnist was online to qualify and justify a variety of caustic comments.
  • James Lovelock

    The inventor of Gaia theory and inspiration behind the modern Green movement discusses the end of our civilisation, his friendship with William Golding, and the benefits of nuclear power

  • Jeanette Winterson

    Have you ever thought about writing poetry?
  • Alex Allan

    Alex Allan, Britain's e-envoy, was live online on Friday 4 August answering questions on Britain's e-commerce strategy, putting government services online and working to use the net to improve the democratic process
  • Pierre-Yves Gerbeau

    15 August:Pierre-Yves Gerbeau, the chief executive of the Millennium Dome, was live online to answer your questions. Read his postings here.
  • Ann Widdecombe

    28 July: The outspoken shadow home secretary was live online to talk about her view of Britain. Read her postings here.
  • Transcript: Julie Myerson live online

    The author of Sleepwalking and Laura Blundy discusses the importance of sex in fiction and reveals her ideas for her next book. Read the full talk thread here.

  • Susan Kramer

    Liberal Democrat mayoral candidate Susan Kramer was live online on Thursday March 30, answering your questions on her election campaign and plans for London. She gave her views from transport to the yuppification of the city to cooperating with the government. This is an edited transcript.
  • Nick Denton

  • Jack Straw

  • Libby Brooks and Raekha Prassad

    rubenruben: Do you think it smacks somewhat of marginalisation to title two pages of the Guardian 'women'? Doesn't it imply that the rest of the paper is for/by/about men? How about redressing the imbalance with a men's spread too?

  • Larry Elliott

  • Andrew Smith MP

  • Peter Pringle

  • Alan Rusbridger

  • John Vidal

    imogen: Giving the homeless our out of date groceries seems to me patronising and insulting, and just reinforces the perception that they are an underclass. This is only a short-term remedy. What can be done long term?

    John Vidal: Imogen. Youêre right. It is patronising. But I think there is a real emergency out there. The scale of the need for good food is huge now. The food the supermarkets and others are chucking out is not bad. Its just wasted. The problem is do we give the food out or let it rot? That's a hard one. Ideally the government would address the issue of food poverty and the shops would get their act together and waste less. But until they do, we have this crazy situation.

  • Duwayne Brooks
