• The history of gay rights in the U.S goes back to 1924, when the Society of Human Rights was founded by Henry Gerber in Chicago. Other organisations such as the Mattachine Society (founded in 1950), Janus Society (founded in 1962) and Daughters of Bilitis (founded 1955) also supported the cause, seeking political and social recognition of the rights of homosexual people.
  • Pride Month is not the only one set aside for celebrating members of the LGBTQ community. LGBT History Month is celebrated in the month of October, while National Coming Out Day is celebrated on October 11. Pride parades too span the months of June, July and even August. The UK holds a Pride Parade on July 1. In Canada, different cities may hold pride parades on different days; both Montreal and Vancouver have Pride events scheduled for August 5 and 6 this year. Berlin and certain other nations in the European Union celebrate a Pride-equivalent day on July 23, called Christopher Street Day.
  • India’s first-ever protests demanding rights for gay individuals happened on August 11, 1992. It was held by the AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan (ABVA) outside ITO Police headquarters in Delhi to protest the arrest of men from Central Park in Connaught Place on the suspicion of homosexuality.