• The Global State of Connections report says at least a quarter of 4.5 billion people felt ‘lonely’ or ‘very lonely’ this year. 
  • Among the first statistical measures of loneliness in India comes from a 2004 study conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO): about 49.1 lakh people (12.3 lakh men and 36.8 lakh women) were living alone and suffered from loneliness. 
  • A pattern stands out: the burden of loneliness appears to be higher among older demographics. India is a rapidly ageing society, and “accompanied by rapid urbanisation, changing family structure and lifestyles, interpersonal relationship patterns, and power structures, reducing social cohesion and support, eroding kinship ties (relationship strain, support, family cohesion),“ the risk for loneliness is elevated, a 2022 study argued.