The Science Quiz appears twice a week in the daily science page. The page is available to read on all days except Saturday in the epaper.
Questions (answers at the bottom):
1. X is a muscle in the body that functions non-stop right through one’s life. Name A.
2. This is the largest muscle in the body and was crucial in helping Homo erectus, and now Homo sapiens, stay erect by keeping the trunk of the body upright. What is the name of this muscle?
3. There are three types of muscles in the body. One of them is called skeletal and is attached to bones or in some cases the skin. ______ muscle is the name of the muscle type found in the uterus and intestines. Fill in the blank.
4. Muscles are activated when they receive signals from the nervous system. What is the name of the chemical that triggers them into action?
5. One increasingly hears about the beneficial health effects of walking. One of these benefits is associated with the cardiovascular system and can be laid at the doorstep of the ‘secondary’ or ‘little’ heart. Where is this muscle located?
Visual: The _______ muscle (above) forms the rounded contour of the human shoulder and is also known as the ‘common shoulder muscle’. Fill in the blank.
- Heart (cardiac muscle)
- Gluteus maximus
- Smooth
- Acetylcholine
- Calf
Visual: Deltoid muscle
Published - June 02, 2023 09:34 am IST