1.Kharif sowing has been completed on 704.04 lakh hectares (lh) so far, up 3.5 per cent from a year ago. As of July 19, 64 per cent of the normal area under various crops for the season has been covered, writes Prabhudatta Mishra. The revival of the south-west monsoon will further boost sowing.

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2.A monsoon depression off the Odisha coast will likely initiate another round of punishing rain for the East Coast (Andhra Pradesh-Odisha-West Bengal). Hyperactivity in this manner during the second half of July could likely throw up more circulations in the Bay, writes Vinson Kurian.

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3.Agriculture prospects look bright in South India with all States in the region receiving excess or normal rainfall during the current south-west monsoon. According to the India Meteorological Department, the southern region has received 24 per cent (as of July 20). With dams fast filling up in Karnataka, it has begun releasing water from the Cauvery River into Tamil Nadu, temporarily ending its dispute with Tamil Nadu, reports Sanjana B. 

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4.Prices of robusta coffee continue to move up in India in sync with the global trend on supply issues in Vietnam, the largest producer, while the arabica prices are largely ruling stable. Prices of robusta cherry, the widely produced variety in the country, crossed the ₹ 10,000 mark for a 50-kg bag recently and are currently hovering around ₹10,400 levels at the farmgate, says Vishwanath Kulkarni. 

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5.Conditions are favourable for the emergence of La Nina, a cold event that brings more rains to Asia particularly India, during August 2024-January 2025, the APEC Climate Centre (ACC) has said. On the other hand, the US weather agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has raised the prospects of 2024 being the warmest year on record globally to 59 per cent based on January-June 2024 temperatures.

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6.Spinning mills have turned chary in purchasing cotton as the current season is set to end in two-and-half months and are keen to avoid any liquidity problems. The inventory level with retailers have reduced considerably. They do not stock up more than a week or 10 days requirement.

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7. Watch | Trending Commodity Picks. Episode 3: Why are potatoes, tomatoes, and onions so expensive? | Subramani Ra Mancombu

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