UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
LG’s transparent OLED TV to come at 2024 at the earliest
LG’s transparent OLED TV to come at 2024 at the earliest
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.12.27 16:22
  • 댓글 0
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Next year won’t happen due to low demand for TVs
LG already sells transparent signage that uses OLED tech Image: LG Electronics
LG already sells transparent signage that uses OLED tech Image: LG Electronics

LG Electronics may launch a transparent OLED TV in 2024 at the earliest, TheElec has learned.

LG Display had pitched the idea to the electronics maker earlier this year; but such a model is not slated to launch in 2023, sources said.

This is likely due to the demand for consumer electronics such as TVs dropping from the global economic downturn.

Early this year, LG Display suggested the idea to launch a 55-inch transparent OLED TV to LG Electronics’ Home Entertainment Company, its TV division.

For a launch to happen in 2023, LG Electronics would have gone into development sometime during the second half of this year but there were no such movements.

A transparent OLED TV will involve LG Electronics covering the transparent OLED panel with reinforced glass.

Even if the company launches such a model, it won’t be the first as Xiaomi launched a 55-inch transparent OLED TV called Mi Lux in 2020, which also used LG Display’s panels. But sales of that model were meager at best.

LG Electronics also believes it needs to think over the exterior of such a TV model, the sources said.

The company already offers transparent OLED signage, which is sold by the Business Solutions Company, LG Electronics’ B2B division.

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