UPDATED. 2025-02-06 08:01 (목)
Apple starts oxide LCD MacBook Air development
Apple starts oxide LCD MacBook Air development
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2025.01.20 07:35
  • 댓글 0
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As OLED adoption pushed back 
Image: Apple
Image: Apple

Apple has begun development of MacBook Air that sports oxide thin-film transistor (TFT) liquid crystal display (LCD), TheElec has learned.

The iPhone maker has been collaborating with its component makers since late last year on the project, sources said. The new MacBook is expected to be launched in 2027.

It will mark the first time that Apple is using oxide TFT LCD on its MacBook Air line of products.

MacBook comes in the higher tier Pro models and the lower tier Air models. Apple’s 14.2-inch and 16/2-inch MacBook Pros that launched in 2022 sported oxide TFT LCDs. Its 13.6-inch and 15.4-inch MacBook Airs that launched at the same time sported amorphous silicon (a-Si) TFT LCD, which has slower electron movement than oxide TFT. MacBook Pros launched at the time also used MiniLED as the light source.

Apple is likely upgrading the screen on its MacBook Air line due to its decision to push back the adoption of OLED.

The company planned to launch an OLED MacBook Air in 2027 but as this was delayed, it needs an upgrade in between, the sources said.

LG Display is highly likely to be the supplier of the oxide LCD; the South Korean display panel maker, along with Japan’s Sharp, have been the main suppliers of LCD for Apple’s MacBooks.

The delay in OLED adoption for MacBooks is due to the lower-than-expected sales of OLED iPads that launched last year. The iPad Air models that launched at the same time also saw their screens upgraded to oxide from a-Si.]

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