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Beyond chatbots – Revolutionizing telecom with advanced generative AI

URN C24.0.678
Topics AI (Artificial Intelligence), Customer experience management, Data management

Establishing customer loyalty through best practice in advanced AI

Revolutionizing Customer Service with “Beyond Chatbots” In today's digital age, customers expect quick and efficient support when contacting service centers. But despite the rise of GenAI chatbots, customers still find themselves navigating through a maze of menu options - only to be left frustrated when the chatbot fails to provide the necessary assistance. Meanwhile, customers who seek human interaction face the tedious task of repeating their concerns as they’re call is forwarded from one department to another. These disjointed and inefficient experiences leave customers feeling undervalued and unsatisfied - and for good reason. Our catalyst - “Beyond Chatbot” - aims to change all that. Beyond Chatbot is a cutting-edge solution that redefines customer service by delivering swift, personalized interactions that revolutionize the way we meet customer demands. Imagine a customer making a call to a service center. Instead of the generic "How can I assist you today?" they are greeted with a precise, "Are you calling about your last bill?" This tailored approach isn't a vision - it's happening right now with our catalyst, Beyond Chatbot, at multiple CSP service centers. By leveraging the capabilities of Generative AI and advanced machine learning algorithms, Beyond Chatbot anticipates the customers' needs, delivering a customized service experience from the very first interaction. No more lengthy menus and repetitive conversations with agents: with Beyond Chatbot, customers experience a "menu of one," where personalized responses are crafted for each customer right from the get-go. But Beyond Chatbot, our catalyst, goes beyond addressing customer issues - it creates positive experiences that nurture lasting connections with customers. 1. Enhancing Customer Service: Our catalyst not only quickly resolves issues via IVR, call centers, and chatbots but also provides predictive, intent-based service at every customer touchpoint. This ensures first-contact resolution, eliminating the need for customers to repeat their concerns or be transferred between departments. By improving the customer experience in this way, Beyond Chatbot reduces the operational costs associated with running service centers, leading to significant savings for organizations. It also fosters trust and loyalty, as customers feel valued and understood. 2. Developing an Industry Blueprint: Recognizing the early stages of GenAI technology and the lack of standard implementation methods, we are dedicated to developing a clear, practical framework for utilizing GenAI effectively. Beyond Chatbot, our catalyst, serves as a blueprint that can be adopted by others in the industry. By promoting widespread adoption and sharing best practices, we aim to drive innovation and efficiency across the customer service landscape. In a world where customer service can make or break a business, our catalyst, Beyond Chatbot, emerges as a transformative solution. By harnessing the power of Generative AI, it delivers personalized, efficient support that exceeds customer expectations and sets a new standard for the industry. With Beyond Chatbot, CSPs can provide their customers with the seamless, intelligent service they deserve while streamlining their operations and reducing costs.


Beyond Chatbot solution – Videos by our team members

Creating the beyond chatbot solution- by Alihan Arica

First contact resolution by Fawad Qureshi

A Menu of One solution - from solution design to development – By Dr. Gadi Solotorevsky

Telecom Call Centre Transformation with genAI and WhatsApp Integration

Catalyst Demo

Catalyst Demo - Billing scenario

Infographic - Solution Journey

IVR Billing UC Infographic - Solution Journey

Project Documents

Solvatio Network Use Cases

Solution Architecture

Solution Architecture

API’s, ODA Analysis

A description of the solution architecture provided by the Catalyst team

Vendor Product Documents

Snowflake - Telecom Data Cloud

Amdocs' AI & Data Platform

solvatio X Platform - AI Automation for Outstanding Experiences in Customer Support.

solvatio Catalyst Solution Flyer

Contact team

Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.


Team members

Amdocs Management Limited logo
EITC  (DU) logo
Ernst & Young logo
Snowflake Inc. logo
solvatio AG logo
Turknet logo

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