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In China, you can be paid S$1,000 to dress up as Sun Wukong and be fed by tourists for up to three hours at a time

A job you can literally do lying down.

If you are looking for an unforgettable gig, here is one to consider.

Dress up as Monkey God Sun Wukong, stick yourself in a cave for two to three hours at a time, and be fed food throughout your appointed shift.

And no, you won’t need to, well, monkey around with acrobatics either.

According to a Chinese news outlet, a job listing by the operator of the Taihang Wuzhishan Scenic Area in China’s Hebei province is offering 6,000 yuan (S$1,140) a month for the role.

“There are no academic requirements. Mainly he must have a fondness for Sun Wukong, a certain level of acting talent, have a lively, cheerful, and friendly disposition to interact with tourists,” said a manager.

The attraction mimics a scene from Chinese folklore Journey to the West where Sun Wukong was trapped by Buddha under a mountain for 500 years before the holy monk Tang Sanzang freed him.

Clips of tourists feeding the actors apples and bananas have gone viral.

One child was even spotted getting his mum to prepare cup noodles upon his request.

Scroll down to watch the video.

Netizens flooded the comments section with many poking fun at the role.

“What kind of amazing job is that? Endless free food and a salary,” said one user.

‘Will you accept girls?” asked another.

Some were concerned for the health of the actors, with one joking about bringing “Sun Wukong digestive biscuits”.

The manager assured the public that the actors need not finish everything on the spot and can even save it for other colleagues after their shift.

In a bid to show that all aspects of the job have been catered for, the company said they have also installed a heater in the cave just in case it gets too cold.

It is said that two people have already been hired to play the mythical character with only one more spot to be filled.

Photos: Jinjinghouge/Douyin, Daily Chinese News/Facebook

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