Leap Motion Control Technology Shipping with New Asus PCs

The developers behind Leap Motion have been relatively quiet since the company showed off an impressive tech demo displaying the Leap Motion's amazingly accurate motion control detection. Now, half a year later, the company's announced a partnership with Asus. Leap Motion technology will be shipping with Asus's All-in-One PCs and high-end notebooks later this year.

Leap Motion's plans are a little more ambitious than just partnerships with Asus. The company hopes to revolutionize the ways people interact with computers. "As OEMs adopt 3-D motion control technology, they're spurring a rapid evolution in computer interface innovations and helping free the full power and potential of computing for consumers," said Leap Motion co-founder and CEO Michael Buckwald. "This historic partnership with ASUS is an important step in building global adoption of the new computing paradigm Leap Motion's technology offers. We're delighted that ASUS shares our outlook on the future of human/computer interaction."

Microsoft's Kinect was the first step to truly achieving gesture-based control. Unfortunately, the Kinect's sensor isn't accurate enough to detect individual finger movement. The Leap Motion, however, claims to be accurate up to 1/100ths of a millimeter with no discernible lag. The possibilities for the technology beyond everyday computing—3D modeling, medical technology—are endless.

The Leap Motion is still available for preorder via its official website for $69.99 (sans shipping cost, which is an additional $5.99 at the very least).

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  • Estix
    Didn't Asus have their own motion control tech they were touting for a while?
  • Yes, I can't wait to "leap" around the room like an idiot to control my PC.

    Just because it requires far more advanced technology to implement does not mean it is easier to use than say, pressing a button!

    It's pretty sad that computers are actually going to become Slower and more cumbersome to use, just for the novelty of motion gestures and touch interfaces for doing Everything.

    Case in point, I believe there was just an article today on Toms about the new interface by Cadillac. Also, remember the Power Glove anyone?

    Wait until they force you to wave your arms around like an idiot just to change your TV channel.

  • Onihikage
    I can see the Leap being very useful for making 3D modeling a little easier for beginners to get into.
  • vertigo_2000
    blaaaaaahYes, I can't wait to "leap" around the room like an idiot to control my PC. Just because it requires far more advanced technology to implement does not mean it is easier to use than say, pressing a button! It's pretty sad that computers are actually going to become Slower and more cumbersome to use, just for the novelty of motion gestures and touch interfaces for doing Everything. Case in point, I believe there was just an article today on Toms about the new interface by Cadillac. Also, remember the Power Glove anyone? Wait until they force you to wave your arms around like an idiot just to change your TV channel.Exaggerate much?
  • robochump
    ^^^ LOL, just a little. Obviously expecting it to be like Wii or Kinect. I have seen the Leap device before and it is actually pretty cool. How it works in the real world? TBD.
  • jessterman21
    Why is the intro video for the Leap not linked in this story?!?!?

    People are just going to think it's some cheap addon to compete with Kinect. Instead of what it really is: a possible revolution in applied motion-control.

  • ibnmuhammad
    Extremely cool piece of technology, so it would be interesting to see how this will be utilised by normal/general public rather than just the obvious use in professional fields like medical science and 3d modeling, in the coming years.

    I can't help but think this is exactly where Steve Jobs would have realised the potential for the technology in the lives of us normal folks, i.e. just like the mouse, touchpad, gui interface, home pc, touch interface, etc, etc.

  • ibnmuhammad
    By the way, here's the official website with the intro clip which got everyone talking: -

    Check out the use in gaming!! :)
  • JasonAkkerman
    I think that is the coolest thing about the leap. The company has reached out to developers all over the word and given away tons of free leap devices and dev kits. Almost everyday there is a new video posted on their Facebook page from a developer showing a different application for the device. I doubt it will fail commercially with this large of a following.

    I myself pre-orderd in May. Supposedly they start shipping first quarter this year.
  • CaedenV
    I cannot wait for this to come out! The last thing I want is a touch screen for my 27" monitor, but I do like the idea of gesture control for some things, and I think as computers and phones collide in the future we are going to see this as a great alternative to be forced into getting our grubby hands on our beautiful screens.

    If this is 1/2 as neat as advertised then I will be very happy with it. And for $70 they will definitely have my business once my house stops falling apart and I can have some spare change to throw their way.