Nvidia CEO Suggests Jackie Chan Play Him in a Biopic

Huang / Chan
(Image credit: Nvidia / Jackie Chan)

Which actor would be the first choice in a biopic about the Nvidia CEO’s life? According to the leather-jacketed sexagenarian himself, it should probably be martial arts funnyman Jackie Chan. “He looks just like me,” joked Huang in a recent interview, “[but] I’ll do my own stunts.”

Much as we would love to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie about the life and times of the Nvidia CEO, there are no signs that such a motion artwork is in the pipeline. The topic of Jensen Huang's biopic casting was brought up during a recent interview with the CEO in the historic HP Garage. We think it was an off-the-cuff softball question to inject humor into the chat.

HP’s The Moment host, Ryan Patel, jumped onto the headlining topic after discussing the Nvidia CEO’s logo tattoo. “Who would play you in the movie version of your life?” quizzed Patel. Without pause, Huang answered, “Jackie Chan, he looks just like me.” The jokes continued with the Nvidia CEO suggesting, “I’ll do my own stunts... I’ll do all my own typing.” It was also hinted that some of the soundtrack might be composed by Taylor Swift.

(Image credit: HP Garage 'The Moment')

Many regular Tom’s Hardware readers will already be quite familiar with Jensen Huang’s life story. Previously, we have discussed Huang’s early life in Taiwan and his family’s move to the States. Interestingly, his AMD CEO relation, Lisa Su, followed a similar but separate journey. During his later academic years, Huang and colleagues famously met in Denny’s Diner, where Nvidia was incubated. He also found his lifelong partner, Lori, who was his engineering lab partner while at Oregon State University. Recently, we reported that Lori was a big influence on the Nvidia CEO’s leather jacket style. Part of the biopic movie should weigh up the struggle between Huang’s drive to advance GPUs and his regrets about taking on such an arduous task.

What do readers think about the suggested casting? Perhaps Huang is right that Jackie Chan’s profile is somewhat similar. However, Chan will be 70 next April, so even with the magic of AI, we would need another actor for the young Jensen years.

Mark Tyson
News Editor

Mark Tyson is a news editor at Tom's Hardware. He enjoys covering the full breadth of PC tech; from business and semiconductor design to products approaching the edge of reason.

  • gg83
    Jackie Jan is a sellout. I used to have respect for him back in the 90's.
  • bolweval
    megalomaniac much?
  • Darkoverlordofdata
    This just proves that Tom's has turned into click bait.
  • Bamda
    The movie tickets should sell about as good as the 4080 did.