Avatar and Terminator director joins Stability AI board

James Cameron
(Image credit: Stability AI)

James Cameron, an Academy Award-winning director, has joined the Stability AI board of directors. One of the world’s top directors, Cameron, is known for pushing the boundaries of visual effects that required new inventions in movies such as Avatar, Terminator, and Titanic. He is indeed quite familiar with the most advanced technologies. However, there is a catch between him and AI: he has criticized AI throughout his career.

“I have spent my career seeking out emerging technologies that push the very boundaries of what’s possible, all in the service of telling incredible stories,” said Cameron. “I was at the forefront of CGI over three decades ago, and I have stayed on the cutting edge since. Now, the intersection of generative AI and CGI image creation is the next wave. The convergence of these two totally different engines of creation will unlock new ways for artists to tell stories in ways we could have never imagined. Stability AI is poised to lead this transformation. I am delighted to collaborate with Sean, Prem, and the Stability AI team as they shape the future of all visual media.”

Stability AI is best known for its text-to-image generative AI model, Stable Diffusion, released in 2022 and has seen over 150 million downloads. The model generates detailed images, and unlike DALL-E and Midjourney, it can run on consumer-grade hardware with a decent GPU with at least 4 GB of VRAM. Also, the company’s open models are among the most popular and widely adopted worldwide, with thousands of businesses incorporating them into creative workflows. Stability AI’s success is built on making these advanced AI tools accessible to a broad audience, from individual creators to large enterprises.

“James Cameron lives in the future and waits for the rest of us to catch up,” said Prem Akkaraju, CEO of Stability AI. “Stability AI’s mission is to transform visual media for the next century by giving creators a full stack AI pipeline to bring their ideas to life. We have an unmatched advantage to achieve this goal with a technological and creative visionary like James at the highest levels of our company. This is not only a monumental statement for Stability AI, but the AI industry overall.”

While James Cameron seems to endorse generative AI right now, he was not always fond of artificial general intelligence (AGI). Cameron’s Terminator and Terminator 2 movies directly warn the world about the dangers of AI and the potential rise of machines.

Yet, for now, it looks like he endorses generative AI, which does not pose an immediate threat to humanity. However, other content creators criticize it heavily as generation AI learns from content created by human beings, who may eventually lose their jobs. Then again, now that Cameron is on the Stability AI board, he may have an influence on the future development of generative AI.

“The next frontier in visual media will be forged by a true fusion of artist and technology, and Stability AI is leading the charge,” Akkaraju added.

Anton Shilov
Contributing Writer

Anton Shilov is a contributing writer at Tom’s Hardware. Over the past couple of decades, he has covered everything from CPUs and GPUs to supercomputers and from modern process technologies and latest fab tools to high-tech industry trends.

  • hotaru251
    Courts really need to rush "is ai training stealing peoples work" as longer it goes w/o a definitive answer the mroe damage will be done should it get labeled as such & anything using it would be un-usable.
  • why_wolf
    Company promises to replace the thousands of CGI artists it takes to make Cameron's movies with AI. Of course he joined the board.
  • SyncroScales
    All of the stolen material, cameras in peoples, families and childrens homes, not paying crew and cast whom are gay or straight, the abuse, the satanic and demonic rituals, Working with George Lucas, his nephew, the light refracting cameras and suits. Nazi policies, Rothschild family members and approved. All the harm caused and with the help of the lawyers put into all legal channels to own everything and be able to legally and forcefully impose their wills and intentions on everyone. Law enforcement will follow orders and defend the criminals. These are the charities, philanthropy, grants and arguing the metadata and contracts they did not explain to anyone, or made behind their backs and in secret tribunals.

    With the help of AI, and AI on your devices, work machines, etc they will try to further prevent anyone working in analogue digitizing and archiving, to destroy the ability to make copies of your own purchases, charge libraries extremely high amounts of money for digital or prevent physical copies being available (already happened more than a decade ago), force and criminally charge for DRM with costs for purchase or rental extensions and across devices, and decide how long, what version and what edit anyone or targeted individuals get to watch, listen to, consume, rent, maybe own and do so in real time or when they decide each day.