App Support

We hope you will find TSO's smartphone apps easy to use and helpful, but if you are experiencing any issues with our apps or would like to send us any comments or feedback, this page can help you. Check the FAQs to see if you can find an answer to your question, and if not, contact us by filling in our feedback form and our Technical Support Team will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please include the following information in your email to aid the Technical Support Team in helping you more efficiently:

  • name of the app you are using
  • the device you are using it on (e.g. iPhone 4)
  • the operating system you are using (e.g. iOS 4.2). If you are not sure of your Operating System (OS), you can check by going to 'settings' on your device, then selecting 'general', 'about' and then scrolling down to 'version'
  • as much detail as you can give about the issue/feedback.

App FAQs

I am having problems downloading an app from iTunes - what should I do?

If you are trying to purchase one of TSO's apps from iTunes but the app is failing to load to your device (you cannot see the app's icon on your device or on your iTunes account), you will need to get in touch with Apple directly. For more information on how to report an issue to iTunes:

I have downloaded the iPhone app, but it's not working properly - what should I do?

The first thing to do is to check that the software on your device is up-to-date. For our Driving Standards Agency apps to function, you need to be using iOS 3.0 or above. For our Life in the UK app to function, you need to be using iOS 4.0 or above. If you are not sure of your Operating System (OS), you can check by going to 'settings' on your device, then selecting 'general', 'about' and then scrolling down to 'version'.

If you are not using the appropriate OS you will need to update your software. There is advice on how to do this on iTunes:

If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us by filling in our feedback form. Please give us as much information as possible about your issue as this will help us identify what the problem might be. We will then get back to you with a resolution as soon as possible.

The voiceover isn't working - what should I do?

You will need to download the voiceover by going in to settings and switching the voiceover on. You will need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network in order to download the files. It may take some time to download as there is quite a lot of data, but please be patient! If you leave your device whilst the voiceover is downloading, the download progress bar may have disappeared when you return. To check the progress, reselect the 'Voiceover on' button in Settings, click 'yes' to the pop-up, and the progress bar should reappear.

If you continue to experience problems, please contact us by filling in our feedback form with as much information as possible about the problems you are experiencing and we will help as soon as we can. Please note that voiceover is not available on the DVSA Theory Test Free App, You'll need to upgrade to the full app if you want to use this feature.

I have entered my test date in 'Settings' but I am not receiving any notifications - why? (DVSA app users)

Users on iOS 4.0 or above who enter a test date when prompted on their first use of the app, or who enter a test date in 'Settings', will receive regular notifications reminding them to prepare for their theory test. However, this function is not available to users on iOS 3. To enable this functionality, you will need to update your software. Details on how to do this are available on iTunes:

If you continue to experience problems, please contact us by filling in our feedback form.

I have bought The Official DVSA Theory Test Kit for Car Drivers but it seems to be missing one whole section (either Hazard Perception or multiple-choice) - what's wrong?

The likelihood is that you have gone into one section of the app but have not navigated all the way back to the main home screen. When you are on the main page of the Theory Test or Hazard Perception part of the app, there is a home icon in the top left hand corner. Select this and you will be taken back to the main homepage where you can select the other section of the app.

How long should it take for you to get back to me about my issue?

Our support team are available between 9am and 5pm Monday - Friday. We will endeavour to get back to you on the same day about your issue, but we may need to refer it to the app developers if we are not able to identify an immediate problem. We will keep you informed of the progress of your issue and aim to have issues resolved within 48 hours where possible.

I have a suggestion about the app - can I let you know?

Yes please! We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions. Although we can't guarantee that we will be able to make all the changes you suggest, we will listen to them all and see if we can incorporate them into future versions of the apps to make them even better. Please contact us by filling in our feedback form and tell us what you think!

I am having problems with an Android, Amazon or Windows app - what should I do?

If you have downloaded the app to your device but you are experiencing an issue, please contact us by filling in our feedback form. Please give us as much information as possible about your issue as this will help us identify what the problem might be. We will then get back to you with a resolution as soon as possible.

For all other queries please contact us by filling in our feedback form. Please provide as much information as possible to aid the Technical Support Team in helping you more efficiently.

>> Buy The Official DVSA Theory Test Kit for Car Drivers on iTunes.

>> Buy The Official Life in the UK Citizenship Test App on iTunes.