
@batmanshole / batmanshole.tumblr.com


they should invent a way to tell someone they’ve really upset you without making you feel manipulative and dramatic


ok ill bite who is twinbuns


instagrams most hated fujoshi. or so she calls herself. basically she is a white woman (polish american or smt) and is like. well she makes herself look like this

and also she’s like a fujo and posts abt BL with underage people in it 👍🏻

images of that under the cut cause duh


There is nothing in the world worse than the feeling of helplessness, that you cannot do anything, and you are standing in hell, and you are unable to do anything but silently observe your pain.

Before the war, he was shiny with his knowledge. After the war, he is exhausted with worries



Help leen

She looks SO much like me as a child. I hope you get enough money to be safe

Thank you, my dear. I wish us happiness in imitating you

Thank you so much 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🫡

Hello,I hope you and your family are well.Can you help me Share Or Replog the post my Family on account? 🙏

In these challenging times, knowing that I have friends like you who are willing to extend a helping hand is incredibly uplifting. Your actions have not only helped spread the word but have also provided me with much-needed hope and encouragement.

Thank you once again for your support and generosity. I am truly grateful for each one of you.

Warm regards,


What is happening to our children in Gaza? What is this injustice to which the children of Gaza are exposed?

Thank you for your support, even if it is a little, but it means a lot to me and my children, and they may be the reason for our survival

vetted by 90-ghost here

vetted by northgazaupdates here

vetted by apollos-olives here

vetted by Watermelon here

vetted by opencommunion here

Thank you for publishing this distinguished post. This means a lot to me and my family.

This campaign has been shared by 90-ghost.

Currently €6,814 raised of €15,000 goal.

Verifications and shares by different blogs in the post above!

Please Share, and consider donating if you have the means. Minimum donations can be the reason a gofundme succeeds!

Even if you can't donate, Sharing still helps by getting more eyes and support on the campaign.

Its free, easy and can literally help save a life! Thank you.

‏thank you for your help. It means a lot to us and may be the reason for our survival and making my children smile during the war



To donate please click here

To donate paypal here



When you make posts about fundraisers, one thing you will notice is whether the post helps bring in donations or not. You can see if your words motivate people to donate. Lately, this has been fucking depressing because people are expressing genuine apathy to the most horrific and vile violence and suffering.

Previously, I mentioned how Shahed (@shahdhatem) has survived a shooting in her area. Only a few donations has been received.

Two week laters, I bring up the fact that she is near an intense shooting. Even less donations than before.

Now I have mentioned that she was very close to getting killed in a bombing, and no one donates.

I know donations have slowed down, but the lack of compassion is what draws the line for me! What more can I say? Isn’t Shahed and her family going through a fucking genocide enough? It should be enough! 

At the same time, I have seen the same people donate to multiple fundraisers. It makes me wish others would do the same. So please give Shahed and her family a chance. Donate and share. She is already anxious about the slow pace of her fundraiser and we should do everything in our power to make sure she doesn’t think twice about it! 

Please note she needs to get to 30k by the end of october! Keep supporting her please, this campaign is her lifeline.


my bald boyfriend says there is no bald telepathy and if there was he wouldn’t do it because it would be gay


interview tomorrow mamas gonna be a barista and if the interview doesn't go well im gonna start posting traumacore edits of biggby coffee
