

@rosapexa / rosapexa.tumblr.com

I love my Cyberpunk 2077 OCs.

Lexa was absolutely not looking forward to this. Letting some kind of whore AI into her head? Under normal circumtances not in a million years.

But these weren't normal circumstances and Johnny was right (who would have thought), the only way to get into Clouds and to get maybe infos about Evelyn would be to play along.

Knowing this Lexa didn't feel less uncomfortable though. Which of course Johnny could feel as well. And allthough he despised places like this, he still thought her unease was kinda funny.


When Johnny appeared for the first time he tried to hurt Lexa, even tried to kill her. He was disgusted by her. Disgusted being in her head. But he was also scared, desperate.

Lexa hated him from the second he opened his mouth for the first time, but like him, she was also scared. But allthough she was weak and hurt, she was not helpless. She was a Netrunner. A good one. A ruthless one. So she fought back and sent an electric shock through the Relic. It hurt them both, but Johnny much more than her. It gave her enough time to take the blockers and silence him for a while.

And that was also Johnny's first lesson, that Lexa was indeed not a helpless victim with whom he could do whatever he wanted.

Part 2 -> X


I'm currently in a new game with again Lexa (V). I just needed another episode of Lexa and Jonny 2.0: The early months 😌 Fresh install with less mods for hopefully less problems 🍀

And this is Lexa before the Relic, with completely red hair. The Relic... Well, Johnny (and the stress of having to deal with him 24/7 😂) was responsible that her hair turned partially white.

I think, i will share some headcanon story related stuff through out my game, but mostly i'll focus on playing 🤍

Oh and for the first time i'm playing with the englisch voices and not with the german ones. So, i actually can expierence something new again and so far i like it a lot.
