
Global Network of Learning Cities webinar ‘Charting a lifelong learning strategy for climate action: development, implementation and monitoring’

17 July 2024
sustainability and laptop

On 17 July 2024, the webinar series: ‘Building green, inclusive and climate-resilient urban communities – the learning cities approach’ by the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, will feature the webinar ‘Charting a lifelong learning strategy for climate action: development, implementation and monitoring’. 

Currently responsible for around 75 per cent of global CO2 emissions, cities – and in particular the transport systems and office buildings – play a pivotal role in the world’s response to the climate crisis. In addition to being central to the transformation to inclusive and green economies, cities are also at the forefront of efforts to empower local communities with the knowledge and skills that are needed to break long-established patterns of unsustainable consumption, production and mobility. UNESCO learning cities, with their strong expertise in lifelong learning, are uniquely positioned to instil climate consciousness and equip local residents with the green skills essential for a sustainable society.

This webinar will focus on lifelong learning strategies for climate action which typically include several key ingredients: a cohesive, inclusive vision; multi-stakeholder input; and well-defined, feasible steps, among others. To ensure a sustainable approach, it is important to create synergies between a given local strategy and national or international policies that aim to support lifelong learning for climate action. Mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the advancement of established strategies are also key.


17 July 2024, 13:00 to 14:00 (CEST)



  • Mr Matthew Bach, Head of Justice, Equity and Democracy, ICLEI Europe
  • Ms Margarita Abakova, EIT Community Strategic Education Cluster Orchestrator, Climate-KIC
  • Mr Jiacheng Li, Director, Shanghai Municipal Institute for Lifelong Education
  • Jubail tbc

Closing: Mr Raúl Valdés Cotera, Chief Programme Coordinator a.i., UIL

Moderator: Ms Edith Hammer, Programme Specialist, UIL


Zoom link


Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Korean, Spanish

About the webinar series

Leading up to the sixth International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC 6) themed 'Learning cities at the forefront of climate action,' the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) hosts the webinar series ‘Building green, inclusive and climate-resilient urban communities – the learning cities approach’.

The webinars will explore a variety of topics related to learning city development, with a particular emphasis on how the climate crisis affects local communities. Special attention will be given to examining the connections between the climate emergency and other thematic areas of focus within the global network, including lifelong learning for health and global citizenship education. The primary goal of the webinars is to facilitate exchange and peer-learning among GNLC members. Summaries of the sessions will subsequently be compiled to inform a background document for ICLC 6.