Syria-Türkiye Earthquake Response - hero

Syrians lining up at WHO mobile clinic
UN teams in Syria are on the ground providing lifesaving assistance to impacted children and families. Photo: © UNICEF/UN0781585/Al-Asadi


In the face of this epic disaster, I strongly appeal to the international community to show the people of Türkiye and Syria the same kind of support and generosity with which they received, protected and assisted millions of refugees and displaced people in an enormous show of solidarity.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres


Türkiye-Syria Earthquake

The devastating 7.8-magnitude earthquake near the Türkiye-Syria border in the early hours of Monday 6 February 2023 was followed by another one nearly as strong. The earthquakes that struck Türkiye and Syria caused one of the biggest disasters to impact the region in recent times. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and many more have been injured. Thousands of buildings have collapsed, leaving countless people exposed to unforgiving winter conditions. Schools and hospitals have been destroyed.

The earthquakes struck as the humanitarian crisis in northwest Syria was already at the highest level since the conflict began, with 4.1 million people relying on humanitarian assistance to subsist.

Response on the ground

The United Nations and its agencies are deploying disaster assessment experts; coordinating search and rescue teams; providing emergency relief, food, medical supplies, thermal blankets and other life-saving items. UN convoys have crossed into northern Syria through the Bab al-Hawa crossing delivering shelter and relief supplies.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent health supplies to reach 400,000 people impacted by the earthquake. The agency warns that health services need to be restored rapidly to avoid a secondary disaster that may harm many more.

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) is delivering food assistance and has reached almost 1.7 million people in the two countries.

Early recovery

With countless buildings destroyed, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) early estimates are that up to 210 million tonnes of rubble will need to be cleared in Türkiye alone. The estimated area of debris is equivalent to an area 10 km by 10 km – equivalent to 14,000 soccer fields covered in debris piled one meter high. The destruction has left 1.5 million people homeless and will require the construction of 500,000 new housing units to compensate. UNDP is supporting the Government to remove rubble first – clearing the way to then help vital deliveries of food, water and other supplies, and to begin help restore livelihoods and revive small businesses. 


The UN has released $50 million from its Central Emergency Response Fund to jumpstart the response. 

Secretary-General António Guterres said the UN is committed to doing much more. On 14 February the UN issued a flash appeal for $397 million for the people of earthquake-ravaged Syria, to cover a period of 3 months. On 16 February the UN launched a $1 billion flash appeal to provide life-saving assistance to 5.2 million people in Türkiye through April.


Here is how you can help:

earthquake rescue

A massive search and rescue operation continues and humanitarian partners are rapidly ramping up efforts to provide life-saving assistance.

You can help too. Donate now


In Idlib, Syria, a woman receives WFP ready-to-eat rations following the deadly quakes.

To meet the urgent food needs, WFP is appealing for US$46 million. This includes hot meals and food rations to 200,000 newly displaced people in Syria and 300,000 people in Türkiye, including 70,000 refugees.

Donate to WFP


woman amid earthquake destruction

WHO is deploying emergency medical teams to treat injured people, support health workers and maintain essential health services immediately following the earthquake and into the future.

Donate through the WHO Foundation


workers digging earthquake rubble

The earthquake has destroyed people’s homes and local infrastructure—families are in urgent need of relief items and shelter. Severe winter storms are sweeping through the region. UNHCR is on the ground with emergency items including tents, blankets, and hygiene items.  Donate to the UN Refugee agency



aid workers clearing earthquake rubble

The freezing cold, lack of shelter, food, water and medical facilities is creating ever-graver humanitarian needs. IOM remains committed to providing necessary support to its national and local partners to ensure uninterrupted humanitarian aid and availability of lifesaving supplies, including shelter.  Donate to IOM


child being rescued from earthquake rubble

UNICEF’s response is focused on child protection, providing immediate psycho-social support, assessing of main water stations and respective services, as well as health and nutrition needs.

Donate to UNICEF



woman crying among earthquake rubble

UN Women is actively working with partners on the ground to assess the situation and secure life-saving essential items that will help women, girls, and their families. 

Donate to UN Women


mother and newborn

Women and girls are among the most affected by the earthquake. This includes tens of thousands of pregnant women. UNFPA's team on the ground is delivering life-saving services including maternal and reproductive health services as well as gender-based violence response services. Donate to UNFPA


family in the back of a truck

The magnitude of the disaster means that recovery will be long and difficult. Clearing away mountains of rubble is the top priority area of support for UNDP in its response to the disaster, along with restoring livelihoods and reviving small businesses.
