
Call for proposals from Mekong countries: 2024 UNESCO International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC)

UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok opens the call for the IPDC applications from the Mekong countries in the 2024 cycle.
UNESCO banner with a background image of journalists conducting an interview

UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) launches a call for project proposals for the 2024 cycle aimed at expanding support for free, independent and pluralistic media. The call is open to local media organizations of UNESCO Member States worldwide, with project proposals from Mekong countries (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam) to undergo a preliminary round of screening by the Communication and Information (CI) unit of the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok, the National Offices in Phnom Penh and Ha Noi, and the Antenna Office in Yangon.


Established in 1980, UNESCO’s IPDC is the only multilateral forum of the UN system designed to mobilize the international community around media development issues. It acts as a laboratory for ideas on emerging and pressing media policy issues. Moreover, it offers seed funding to media development projects by grassroots and local actors tackling media issues on the ground. For over 40 years, more than 2,200 projects globally have been approved and supported through the IPDC, with US$115 million channeled to media development.

As the focal point for Mekong countries, the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok collects, preliminarily assesses and submits quality project proposals to the IPDC Bureau for further examination and potential approval. Awardees of IPDC funds will be decided annually by a panel of UNESCO Member States that have been elected to the IPDC Bureau.


The IPDC supports projects that aim at one or more of the following themes:

  • Supporting media pluralism (particularly community media), gender equality, independence (improving self-regulation and professional standards), and innovation
  • Promoting the safety of journalists
  • Countering harmful content and promoting media and information literacy
  • Supporting law reform to foster media independence
  • Conducting media assessments and research based on UNESCO's Media Development Indicators (MDIs), the Gender Sensitive Indicators for the Media (GSIM), the Internet Universality Indicators (IUI), the Journalists' Safety Indicators (JSIs), or the Media Viability Indicators (MVIs)
  • Promoting access to information
  • Engaging in capacity-building for journalists and media managers, including improving journalism education (e.g., utilizing one of UNESCO's handbooks for journalism education)
  • Tackling emerging media policy issues, including those defined by the Windhoek +30 Declaration (e.g., media viability, transparency of digital platforms)

Budget allowance

A project may apply for IPDC funds of a minimum of US$10,000 and a maximum of US$35,000.


  • Projects submitted by organizations such as press, radio and television, media training institutes, professional journalists’ organizations, media development agencies, universities and journalism schools, and community media organizations
  • National/regional projects submitted by and/or for countries covered by the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam

Note: IPDC prioritizes projects with the potential to serve as innovative pilots and pays particular attention to proposals from least developed, landlocked and small island countries, as well as those in conflict or post-conflict situations.

The proposal is encouraged to consider the adaptation or use of UNESCO resources, such as UNESCO’s journalism education handbooks; and, wherever possible, to take into consideration UNESCO’s current global priorities: Africa and Gender Equality. Gender-transformative proposals addressing the cause of inequality are strongly encouraged.

Application and selection process

For media stakeholders interested in IPDC’s activities and considering submitting a proposal, useful materials may be found in the attachments accompanying this announcement. As general guidance, the applicant should:

  • Complete two application forms (one Identification Form for Candidate Organizations and one Project Proposal Form);
  • Complete one Excel Budget Template (please note that it contains two tabs); and
  • Send the completed forms by email to: ci.bgk(at) Please indicate "2024 IPDC application" in the email subject line.

Deadline for submissions:

5 February 2024

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok via email.

Training sessions and guidance on the preparation of project proposals

  • on Tuesday 23 January 2024 from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm (GMT+1) in English - click here to register
  • on Wednesday 24 January 2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am (GMT+1) in English - click here to register
  • on Wednesday 24 January 2024 from 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm (GMT+1) in French - click here to register

#CallForProposals #FreedomOfExpression #SafetyOfJournalists #MediaDevelopment #AccessToInformation #BuildingKnowledgeSocieties

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