
International Geodiversity Day: Conserving The Past – Sustaining The Future

Events at UNESCO HQ on Monday, 7 October
International Geodiversity Day Commemoration: Conserving The Past – Sustaining The Future
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Room XI
Type :
Cat VIII - Symposia
Arrangement type :
Language(s) :

Despite the fundamental importance of geodiversity for sustaining Earth as we know it, it is relatively little appreciated. It is therefore crucial to promote a better understanding of the Earth’s dynamic processes to ensure that citizens make informed policy choices which will foster a more sustainable society, an essential element in the implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. International Geodiversity Day therefore provides an annual reminder of geodiversity’s role in presenting humanity and the planet with an incredible richness that benefits society and ecosystems, as well as the importance of sustainably managing georesources and geoheritage. The day is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the critical link between geodiversity and all of life, and to evidence how geoscience education provides humanity with sustainable solutions to the challenges of resource extraction, disaster risk reduction, mitigation of climate change, and biodiversity loss. 

International Geodiversity Day 2024 celebration poster

Online registration


14:30 - 16:00Room XIOpening Remarks UNESCO Secretariat, Delegations of Kazakhstan, Poland, Portugal, and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Geodiversity for the SDGs: examples from UNESCO Global Geoparks in the UK Dr Kirstin Lemon
Designing a new geodiversity assessment standard Prof Zbigniew Zwolinski
Conservation of geodiversity in Africa Prof Stanisław Wołkowicz
Geodiversity: from concept to concrete examples Ms Joana Rodrigues
16:00 - 17:00UNESCO HQGeological tour of UNESCO HQ Ms Joana Rodrigues & UNESCO Secretariat
17:00 - 18:00Bar des Conferences’Cocktail reception-