High-level steering committee members

The High-Level Steering Committee welcomes new members of the committee, with mandates from 2024 to 2025

The High-Level Steering Committee Leaders convened on 8 November 2023 in Paris, at the margins of the UNESCO General Conference.

They examined SDG4 progress and the transformative actions that countries have undertaken following the Transforming Education Summit commitments. The meeting agreed on a set of decisions on the monitoring work, on advancing the education financing agenda, and on the recommendations of the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession, among others.

The meeting was the culmination of the previous membership of the Committee (2021-2023), where the new members for 2024-2025 were announced. 

High Level Steering Committee November 2023 members

Member States and Regional Organization Representatives

Western Europe and North American


H.E. Ms Nicole Belloubet, Minister of National Education and Youth

Ms Nathalie Nikitenko, Delegate for European and International Relations and Cooperation 



H.E. Prof. Fernando Alexandre, Minister of Education, Science and Innovation of the Portuguese Republic

Ms Sílvia Ferreira, Director of Coordination of Cooperation and International Relations of the Ministry of Education


European Commission

Ms Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships, European Commission  

Mr Martin Seychell, Deputy Director-General DG INTPA, European Commission 

Eastern Europe


H.E. Ms Anda Čakša, Minister for Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia 

Ms Laura Treimane, Counsellor for Education and Science Permanent Representation of the Republic of Latvia to OECD and UNESCO 



H.E. Dr Ligia Deca, Minister of Education of Romania 

Dr Octavia Mihaela Bors-Georgescu, Senior adviser, Ministry of Education in Romania 


Council of Europe

Mr Matjaž Gruden, Director of Democratic Participation 

Mr Villano Qiriazi, Head of the Education Department 

Latin-American and Caribbean


H.E. Mr Camilo Santana, Minister of Education of the Federative Republic of Brazil 

H.E. Ms Paula Alves de Souza, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Brazil to UNESCO 


Chile - HLSC co-Chair

H.E. Mr Gabriel Boric Font, President of the Republic of Chile 

H.E. Mr Nicolás Cataldo Astorga, Minister of Education of the Republic of Chile 


Organization of Ibero‐American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI)

Mr Mariano Jabonero Blanco, Secretary-General 

Ms Tamara Díaz, Director of the Education Sector 

Asia and the Pacific


H.E. Mr Mohibul Hassan Chowdhury, M.P. Minister of Education of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh 

H.E. Mr Khondker Mohammad Talha, Ambassador of Bangladesh to France and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO 



H.E. Mr Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Education of the People's Republic of China 

Mr Qin Changwei, Secretary-General, Chinese National Commission for UNESCO 


Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)

H.E. Ms Sara Zimmerman Duterte, Vice-President of the Republic of the Philippines and the Secretary of the Department of Education of the Philippines, SEAMEO Council President 

Ms Habibah binti Abdul Rahim, Director, SEAMEO Secretariat  


Côte d’Ivoire

H.E. Ms Mariatou Kone, Minister of National Education and Literacy 

Mr Adama Coulibaly, Inspecteur général, Coordonnateur général 



H.E. Professor Birhanu Nega Bonger, Minister of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Mr Solomon Shiferaw Bogale, Senior Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Education, Ethiopia


African Union

H.E. Prof. Mohamed Belhocine, Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI) 

Ms Sophia Ndemutila Ashipala, Head of Education Division, ESTI Department 

Arab States

Saudi Arabia

H.E. Mr Yousef Albenyan, Minister of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 

Mr Abdulrahman Alamri, Deputy Minister for International Cooperation, Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 



H.E. Mr Tareq Salem Al-Akbary, Minister of Education 

H.E. Dr Abdelsalam Mohammed Al-Joufi, Expert


Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO)

Mr Mohamed Ould Amar, Director General 

Mr Hechmi Ardhaoui, Education Expert 

Multilateral Organizations/Banks/Funds Representatives



Ms Laura Frigenti, Chief Executive Officer

Mr Charles North, Deputy Chief Executive Officer 



Mr Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General of the OECD

Ms Yuri Belfali, Head of Division, Early Childhood and Schools



Ms Catherine M. Russell, Executive Director 

Ms Pia Rebello Britto, Global Director of Education and Adolescent Development


World Bank

Ms Mamta Murthi, Vice President for Human Development 

Mr Luis Benveniste, Global Director Education  

Development Cooperation (Donor) Representative


United Kingdom

Bridget Phillipson, Secretary of State for Education 

Ms Judith Herbertson, Head of Girls’ Education Department, Education, Gender and Equality Directorate

Civil Society Representatives


CCNGO on Education 2030

Mr Refat Sabbah, President, Global Campaign for Education 

Ms Nelsy Lizarazo, General Coordinator, Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) 

Teacher Organization Representative


Education International

Mr David Edwards, General Secretary 

Ms Antonia Wulff, Director of the Research, Policy and Advocacy Unit 

Foundations and Private Sector Representatives (shared seat)


Mr Simon Sommer, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Jacobs Foundation (2024)

Ms Dina Ghobashy, Director of Education Transformation, Microsoft (2025)

Youth and Student Representatives (shared seat)


Mr Ilan Enverga, SDG4 Youth & Student Executive Committee Representative (2024 Youth Leader)

Ms Ellen Dixon, SDG4 Youth & Student Executive Committee Representative (2025 Student Leader)

UNESCO (ex officio member) - HLSC co-Chair


Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General (Leaders Group Co-Chair)

Ms Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education (Sherpa Group Co-Chair)

Standing invitation to attend HLSC Leaders meetings


UN Special Envoy for Global Education: Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown