


2020年5月28日,联合国大会通过了第 74/275 号决议,将9月9日定为“保护教育免受攻击国际日”。该决议认识到必须增强人们对保护教育免受袭击的迫切需要的意识,指定联合国教科文组织和儿童基金会作为每年庆祝这一活动的共同协调机构。它还呼吁利益相关法方将这个问题放在国际议程的优先位置,并采取适当行动减轻受武装冲突影响的学生的困境。


Education should never be a target

Exacerbated by multiple hazards, armed conflicts have devastating impacts on the education sector, often triggering a compounded crisis. Schools, universities and other educational institutions should always be safe havens and pathways to foster peace and development. During armed conflict, their civilian nature must be recognized and protected under international humanitarian law, which mandates adherence to the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precaution. Security Council Resolution 2601 further reinforces this protection by emphasizing the need to safeguard educational institutions from the impacts of armed conflict, and the Safe Schools Declaration also provides essential guidelines to protect education and provide a lifeline for children and young people. Other frameworks, such as the Comprehensive Safe School Framework (CSSF), support educational authorities and practitioners to address the root causes of conflict drivers. Considering all risks, the CSSF provides guidance on strengthening resilience for the provision of education to learners that face multiple hazards

education under attack


第四届保护教育免受攻击国际日的主要高级别活动将于2023年9月13日在联合国总部的经社理事会会议厅举行,由卡塔尔、教育至上基金会(Education Above All Foundation)、联合国儿童基金会、联合国教科文组织和联合国全球传播部联合举办。


More on education in emergencies

What UNESCO does to ensure the right to education in emergencies and building resilience in the face of crisis.