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Unicode® Emoji Chart Format

In most of the charts, hovering over an image shows the code point and name, and clicking on the image goes to the respective row in the Emoji List chart. Emoji images without available skintone show a small swatch afterwards; those without available images are shown as ✘. Each image has the respective character as an “alt” value, so copying the image into plain text should (OS permitting) give the plain text character for that image.

Column Description
«Group» The subheaders indicate categories that can be used to organize related emoji together for keyboards. There are both major categories (such as “Smileys & People”) and minor categories (such as “person-gesture”). These categories are broad, and not exclusive: emoji could go into multiple categories.
A line count, for reference.
Code The code point(s) for the emoji characters and sequences. Clicking on the code point puts a link to that row in the address bar. Candidates have reference numbers instead, such as X00000 — see Process and Timeline.
Apple, …, SB, Sample Images from the respective sources for comparison, listed below. Images for new characters or sequences are marked by enclosing in a green box. Where a skin-tone variant emoji is missing, a small skin-tone swatch is shown. Note: the images for gender-neutral emoji are based on what is use by vendors — that is typically a copy of either the male or female variant.
Abbr. Vendor
Sample Sample (for illustration)
Samp2… Sample 2… (additional samples)
Apple Apple
Goog. Google
FB Facebook
Wind. Windows
EPed. Emojipedia
Twtr Twitter
Joy JoyPixels (formerly One/EmojiOne)
Sams. Samsung
GMail GMail*
SB SoftBank*
Columns marked with * show images used before incorporation into Unicode, provided for historical comparison. A ‘ᵈ’ marks sources with development preview images.
Sample Fallback Images to show what an emoji sequence should look like if not supported.
Browser The character, showing whatever image would be native for the browser.
CLDR Short Name The CLDR short name for the character or sequence. Short names vary by language, and are from the CLDR data. The keywords listed are for American English: other variants of English may have different keywords. Names for different languages can be found via CLDR Character Annotations.

Names may change over successive releases of CLDR. The current release of CLDR might not yet have names for the Emoji Candidates and Emoji Recently Added: in those cases the names are provisional.

In some of the charts, a ⊛ is prepended to newly-released characters’ names, to allow for "Find in Page".
Date The year an emoji was added to Unicode. For sequences of emoji, the date is for the latest character. A superscript (if present) indicates the source of the character, using the characters from column L of Sources, or x for other sources not listed in that table.
Sources Compatibility sources listed in the Major Sources table in UTS #51, Unicode Emoji.
Keywords A list of informative keywords. The keywords vary by language, and are from the CLDR data. The keywords listed are for American English: other variants of English may have different keywords. Keywords for different languages can be found via CLDR Character Annotations.

Keywords may change over successive releases of CLDR. The current release of CLDR might not yet have keywords for the Emoji Candidates and Emoji Recently Added: in those cases the keywords are provisional.

Comments may be present in the keywords column, including usage information or the formal Unicode Name (marked with 🅄). (The Unicode Names are only provided in some charts, and only where different from the uppercased CLDR Short Name.)
Attributes In the Emoji Candidates chart, provisional information about the candidate that will be needed for character properties:
  • > X indicates where the character (tentatively) would be after X in Emoji Ordering
  • ∈ modifier_base indicates that the character would allow skin-tone modifiers
  • ∈ gender_base indicates that the character would have ZWJ sequences for gender
  • ∈ component indicates that the character is used as a component of a sequence, and is not normally listed separately on emoji keyboards.
Proposal In the Emoji Candidates chart, the original proposal for the character. When looking at the linked proposals for candidates or accepted characters it is important to keep two points in mind:
  1. New proposals must follow the form in Submitting Emoji Character Proposals. This form may have changed since earlier proposals were submitted.
  2. The UTC may accept a proposal for reasons other than those stated in the proposal, and does not necessarily endorse or consider relevant all of the proposed reasons.
Count The number of emoji of a particular type.
Emoji A set of emoji characters or sequences, as images. When copied and pasted into text, they should appear as the underlying characters.

Emoji Counts Key

In tables of emoji counts, the columns provide counts according to the main categories in Emoji Ordering Chart: Smileys & People, Animals & Nature, Food & Drink, and so on. The rows provide counts based on the internal structure or purpose of the emoji, as follows. The terms may be combined if an emoji falls under multiple categories.

Term Description
Emoji that are represented by single characters (or single characters plus the Emoji Presentation Selector, where necessary).
An emoji sequence that uses a special ZWJ character to “glue” multiple emoji characters into a single emoji.
🏿 An emoji sequence that contains a skin-tone modifier
🦰 An emoji sequence containing a hair component, to pick a given hair color or style
An emoji sequence using male or female signs to indicate a specific gender appearance
👩‍🎓 An emoji sequence representing a profession or role, which is composed of a MAN, WOMAN, or ADULT plus an object for that role.
👪 An emoji sequence representing a group of people, such as a family emoji, but also including a couple kissing, couple with heart
#️⃣ An emoji keycap sequence, consisting of phone keys 0, 1, 2 ... #, *
🏁 An emoji flag sequence, consisting of a pair of regional indicators
🏴 An emoji tag sequence, currently a subdivision flag
🧑 An emoji character or sequence that should have an appearance that is ungendered / gender-neutral, but may be depicted as having a specific gender appearance.
🔗 An isolated component, such as a skin tone modifier or hair component, not typically shown on emoji keyboards. This count does not include other components that should never be shown on emoji keyboards, such as the isolated flag components.
Subtotal This is the total without the typical dups or components, so it is a better reflection of what people would typically see on emoji keyboards or palettes. The keyboards may also use mechanisms like “long press” to handle related emoji, further reducing the number of visible cells.
