Levin Report

GOP Congressman Chip Roy Declares the GOP Is Useless, in Floor Speech Democrats Are Probably Turning Into a 2024 Ad Right Now

“I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing—one—that I can go campaign on and say we did. One!”
GOP Congressman Chip Roy Declares the GOP Is Useless in Floor Speech Democrats Are Probably Turning Into a 2024 Ad Right Now
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Has the modern Republican Party become a complete, useless dumpster fire that does nothing to actually help the American people, because it’s too busy investigating the president’s son, kissing the last president’s ass, challenging congressional witnesses to brawls, and fighting each other? Many would say yes. Usually, though, the people saying yes are not actual Republicans. But, surprise!

On Wednesday, Representative Chip Roy took to House floor to tear into his fellow Republicans, accusing them of doing literally nothing useful with their time in Washington—definitely not anything he could actually tell voters about in an effort to get reelected. “You know, we have had a tumultuous year of sorts, but in the eyes of the American people, they’ve been watching from afar wondering when this body, the people’s House, will stand up in defense of the people who send us here,” Roy said. “When are we going to do what we said we would do?” Taking aim expressly at his GOP colleagues, Roy added: “For the life of me, I do not understand how you can go to the trouble of campaigning, raising money, going to events, talking to people, coming to this town as a member of a party who allegedly stands for something…and then do nothing about it. One thing: I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing—one—that I can go campaign on and say we did. One!” Then he dared any Republicans in the room to come to the floor and “explain to me one material, meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done.”

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In other words, it was a perfect speech for Democrats to run every single day from now until November 2024.

Of course, the things that set Roy off—like funding the government to avoid a shutdown and not “ending the wokeness that is killing and corrupting our schools and our kids”—are obviously not things Democrats take issue with. But they should definitely plaster the airwaves with a Republican member of Congress talking about how useless Republicans are nevertheless!

Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Homeland Security chief his days are numbered (after trying and failing to impeach him)

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When you only speak for a few minutes, but embarrass yourself during every single one of them

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It’s a day that ends in ‘y,’ so here’s a deeply disturbing story about Mike Johnson

It’s starting to seem like the new House Speaker is not a fan of the LGBTQ+ community. Per Politico:

House Speaker Mike Johnson sits on the board of a Christian publishing house that suggested getting “monkeypox” was “an inevitable and appropriate penalty” for being gay and that former president Barack Obama was rumored to be the Antichrist because of his “leanings toward Islam.” For the last decade, Johnson has been a member of the board of Living Waters Publications, a Christian ministry and publishing house. The Speaker has interviewed founder and CEO Ray Comfort on his and his wife’s now deleted podcast.

Last year, Comfort narrated a Living Waters video, titled “Monkeypox and God: Is It a ‘Gay Disease’?” in which he quoted Biblical scripture saying that those who engaged in homosexual acts would get “in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing.” (The virus was previously known as monkeypox, but last year the World Health Organization changed the name to mpox, saying the term monkeypox could be seen as stigmatizing and racist.) In a Living Waters article published in March, Comfort also bemoaned the fact that Christians could no longer call homosexuality “morally wrong.” “There was a time in America when we could say these things without any real repercussions,” he noted.

A spokesman for the House Speaker told Politico that Comfort’s statements are “not a reflection of [Johnson’s] views.” Johnson himself has previously said that homosexuality is “sinful“ and “destructive,” and that legalizing gay marriage could lead to people marrying their pets.


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