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  • 封面说明:生活于湖畔森林环境中的晚古新世(格沙头期)食果猴类——孟氏苏崩猴(Subengius mengi)。背景依据该种的模式产地内蒙古苏崩的古生物学和地质学资料复原。艺术复原由美国堪萨斯大学奥斯卡.圣伊西德罗博士制作。详见本期毕丛山等人文

    Cover image: Life restoration of the Late Paleocene (Gashatan) carpolestid Subengius mengi in a forested environment near a lake, based on paleontological and geological data from Subeng, Nei Mongol (the type locality for this species). Artistic reconstruction produced by Dr. Oscar Sanisidro, University of Kansas. See details in the paper of Beard et al.

  • 发布日期: 2021-10-26  浏览: 1098