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  • 封面说明:莱阳是我国地质古生物学家在国内最早发现恐龙、恐龙蛋、翼龙、昆虫和植物化石的地方,也是1951年杨钟健和刘东生等发现的新中国第一条恐龙棗棘鼻青岛龙的产地,这一地点恐龙和恐龙蛋化石共生富集。莱阳的白垩系地层发育较完整,目前发现三个白垩纪化石生物群,分别为下白垩统莱阳群和青山群的热河生物群,上白垩统王氏群的鸭嘴龙动物群和恐龙蛋化石群。莱阳鸭嘴龙动物群已记述的以鸭嘴龙为代表的恐龙及其他爬行动物化石共计5大类8属9种,其中包括1958年杨钟健研究命名的具有头饰的赖氏龙亚科的棘鼻青岛龙、平头的鸭嘴龙超科基干类群的金刚口谭氏龙、兽脚类似甘氏四川龙和破碎金刚口龙,以及可能属于剑龙类和蜥脚类等的成员,这一动物群还包括中国谭氏龙和莱阳谭氏龙、肿头龙类红土崖小肿头龙和甲龙类似格氏绘龙等。近年来的野外发掘发现了大量鸭嘴龙、兽脚类和各类恐龙蛋及莱阳水龟蛋化石等。详见本期张嘉良等人文(p. 187)。(绘图:赵闯)

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    : Laiyang is the place where Chinese geologists and paleontologists first reported a fossil assemblage containing Chinese dinosaurs, dinosaur eggs, pterosaurs, insects and plants, and is also among the relatively few areas worldwide that are rich in both dinosaur bones and dinosaur eggs. The Laiyang Hadrosauroid Fauna represented by Tsintaosaurus and Tanius is one of the most important and famous Late Cretaceous dinosaur faunas in China. Up to now, more than eight genera and nine species of reptiles have been reported. Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, which is the first reasonably complete dinosaurian skeleton after the establishment of P. R. China, was found by C. C. Young and T. S. Liu in 1951. Recently, there have been abundant vertebrate fossils found from Laiyang, including hadrosauriods, theropods, various dinosaur eggs, and a new type of turtle egg Emydoolithus laiyangensis. See details in the paper of Zhang et al. (p. 187) (Illustrated by Zhao Chuang)

  • 发布日期: 2021-10-26  浏览: 1237