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  • 封面说明:甘肃鬣狗复原图。甘肃临夏盆地新近纪地层中发现了鬣狗科新属新种化石,大耳甘肃鬣狗(Gansuyaena megalotis)。新材料包括两个个体的部分头骨及下颌,其独具特征包括眶下孔宽大、听泡发育及外鼓骨放大等。新标本的综合形态及系统发育分析指示甘肃鬣狗可能代表着小型鬣狗科动物从杂食性向食虫性生态位发展的一个过渡物种。因此,大耳甘肃鬣狗为现生非洲土狼起源的研究提供了重要的形态演化证据,并支持了土狼亚科在形态粗壮的鬣狗亚科出现之前就已形成一个独立支系的假说。详见本期Galiano 等人文。( 绘图:Mick Ellison)

    Cover image: Life reconstruction of Gansuyaena megalotis gen. et sp. nov., “the big-eared Gansu hyena”. The new genus and species of extinct hyena is known from two fossil specimens that originated in Gansu Province in northwestern China. Several autapomorphies are represented in this new taxon, including wide infraorbital foramina, hypertrophied bullae, and particularly enlarged ectotympanic. Cladistic analyses of a focused dataset emphasizing small-bodied hyaenids and using craniodental characters suggest the new fossil carnivoran is possibly the closest known taxon yet to the living aardwolf, a termite specialist found today in southern Africa. See details in the paper of Galiano et al. (Illustrated by Mick Ellison)

  • 发布日期: 2022-06-10  浏览: 1249