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  • 封面说明:叶沟晚上新世哺乳动物群及生态环境复原图。河北省泥河湾盆地的稻地村附近,在晚上新世曾是一片开阔的稀树草原地带,众多的中大型哺乳动物曾经在此繁衍生息,如丁氏貉、比利牛斯硕鬣狗、锯齿虎、贺风(近)三趾马、额鼻角犀、步氏羚羊、山西轴鹿和副骆驼等。叶沟与产出经典(狭义)泥河湾动物群的下沙沟同处一个盆地,但在组成和面貌上迥然不同,从而表明泥河湾盆地确实存在上新统的地层以及相应的动物化石。这为探讨和认识泥河湾盆地的地质年代跨度以及该地区晚新生代哺乳动物群的演替提供了全新的数据和实证资料。详见本期刘金毅等人文。(绘图: 陈瑜)

    Cover image: The palaeoecological reconstruction of the mammalian fauna of Late Pliocene at Yegou, located around Daodi Village in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei Province. At that time, it was mainly an open savanna area, where once lived and reproduced a large quantity of medium or large-sized mammals, such as Nyctereutes tingi, Pachycrocuta pyrenaica, Homotherium sp., Hipparion (Plesiohipparion) houfenense, Dicerorhinus sp., Axis shansius, Gazella blacki, Paracamelus sp. and so on. Although Yegou is indeed located in the same basin as Xiashagou, the world-renowned locality where the classical Nihewan fauna(Early Pleistocene)was produced, they are completely different in the composition of assemblage, indicating that there are indeed Pliocene strata and corresponding mammal fossils in the Nihewan Basin. This provides new data and solid evidences for exploring and understanding the span of geological age and the succession or revolution of the Late Cenozoic mammalian fauna in the Nihewan Basin. See details in the paper of Liu et al. (illustrated by Chen Yu)

  • 发布日期: 2022-10-28  浏览: 1153