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Dino Crisis reboot to be announced by Capcom later this year - rumour

Dino Crisis never got a modern sequel, after the third game took an odd 'dinosaurs in space' tangent. One magazine is reporting that Capcom is working on the project now, and that it'll be announced later this year.


Just imagine...

Eurogamer Italy reports that this fresh rumour comes from the pages of this month's OXM magazine.

The claim is at odds with comments made by Resident Evil producer Masachika Kawata this time last year. Responding to claims that Onimusha and Dino Crisis might see a reboot, he said, "Capcom has obviously never shied away from bringing back our older IPs to new generations, but I do think it’s more important for us to focus on creating new IP as we move forward."

Can you see this one happening?

We've asked Capcom for comment.

Via NeoGAF.

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