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Guitar Hero, Halo 3, Madden NFL, Solitaire, and Dance Dance Revolution are most popular games in US


A huge, in-depth survey into teenager's gaming habits and the relationship to civic engagement has shown that the five most popular games played in the US are Guitar Hero, Halo 3, Madden NFL, Solitaire, and Dance Dance Revolution.

The wide spread of genres on display is not uncommon, says the survey:

80% of teens play five or more different game genres, and 40% play eight or more types whilst 55% of daily gamers play eight or more types of games; just 33% of less frequent gamers do so. Girls play an average of 6 different game genres; boys average 8 different types.

Through this link are more stats about US teenage gaming habits than you could shake a stick at. Get the coffee ready and dive in.

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