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Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 9: Courtyard Maze and Clock Guide

The sooner we get away from the Armadura, the better.

At the conclusion of the last chapter of Resident Evil 4 Remake, we were reunited with Ashley again after she temporarily succumbed to the Las Plagas parasite. Luis still wants to meet up with us in the castle’s Courtyard, so we really ought to head there.

As ever, Luis won't be awaiting us at the Courtyard, but we don't need to worry about him too much. During this chapter, we've a whole host of puzzles to crack. Without further ado, here's our walkthrough of Chapter 9 of Resident Evil 4 Remake, which explains how to complete the Courtyard maze, complete the Three-Headed Statue, and help Ashley escape the library of Armadura.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 9

After finishing up Chapter 8, exit via the brown double-doors and go down the stairs into a maze. Around the maze, there are three levers in towers that will lower flags, and ultimately open the main gate in the area that we need to go through.

How to escape the Courtyard Maze in Resident Evil 4 Remake

The locations of the three levers are marked on the map below. Colmillos will appear around the maze, often disappearing into the bushes before reappearing again, so be sure to kill them whenever you get the chance to.

A map of the Courtyard in Resident Evil 4 Remake, with each lever labelled

To reach the second tower, you actually need to have Ashley pull a lever to open a nearby gate for you to be able to reach it. This is also labelled on the above map!

With the three flags lowered and gate open, head on through into the Grand Hall.

The Merchant will be through the first door on your right. You'll find that there are two more requests in this Grand Hall area of the castle; another Blue Medallions one, and More Pest Control.

How to complete the Three-Headed Statue in Resident Evil 4 Remake

After tuning up and saving, head to the end of the hall, where you’ll find a statue that is in need of three masks; the lion, goat, and serpent. We will find each of these in three different adjoining rooms.

A three-headed statue that is missing the head is shown in Resident Evil 4 Remake

From the statue, head left into the Dining Hall. Take a long, hard look at the two paintings at the end of the hall. You’ll need to have Ashley sit at the same table arrangement the woman has in the painting, with Leon sat at the same arrangement that the man has.

Two paintings in the Dining Hall of Resident Evil 4 Remake are pictured
Ashley and Leon must be sat at the same table arrangement as these two paintings.

This means - facing the paintings - Ashley should be sat on the right of the first table, in the second seat along. Leon, on the other hand, should be sat on the left of the second table, in the second seat along.

With them both seated, have Leon ring the bell. Provided both Ashley and Leon are in the correct seats, the Serpent’s Head needed for the statue is revealed.

Grab the Serpent’s Head and return to the Grand Hall. We’re going to go upstairs and through the door to the left, which leads us to the Gallery.

As you try to run across the bridge here, Castle Ganado will lower it and come to attack. Clear out the horde while having Ashley stay back, then go up the ladder in this room to reach the lever.

Leon and Ashely stand beside the ladder in the gallery in Resident Evil 4 Remake
Climb up this ladder and walk around to the lever.

Pull the lever to raise the bridge again. You can then go up the stairs on the other side of the room and open a gate to access the bridge and retrieve the Goat’s Head.

Leon pulls the lever to raise the bridge in the Gallery in Resident Evil 4 Remake
Pull this lever to raise the bridge again. Now you can grab the Goat's Head!

Now, leave the room and enter the one door in the Grand Hall we haven’t been inside yet.

When you’re in the Armory, grab the Lion’s Head. Once you do, it’ll soon become apparent that the armor here isn’t solely for display. As the Armadura’s become alive, aim for their necks and use grenades to blast off their armor, making them easier to shoot.

These particular guys also hate light. In fact, when faced with light, they’ll freeze. Ashley will help you out by throwing lanterns down to stun the knights, giving you the opportunity to melee attack them.

When they’re taken care of, help Ashley jump down and instruct her to pull the handle for the door alongside Leon.

Leon looks at the door to the Armoy, which has two levers, in Resident Evil 4 Remake
Open this door by pulling the lever alongside Ashley.

Exit the Armory to wind up in the Grand Hall again. Place the three heads on the statue from earlier, and the door beside it will then open. Of course, the Ganado have other ideas, and Leon is locked in a cage, leaving Ashley to fend for herself.

How to set the clock time and help Ashley escape the Armadura in Resident Evil 4 Remake

After the cutscene, you’ll be playing as Ashley. Pick up the lantern in front of you, and a door will open. During this next segment, more Armadura will appear, but Ashley can shine the lantern at them to prevent them from attacking her.

Through the door, head into the Library. In the south of the room, place your lantern on the pedestal here to make the bookshelves move.

Ashley faces a pedestal for her lantern in the library of Resident Evil 4 Remake
Pop the lantern on this pedestal.

Go through the new opening and turn the wheel here to have a hidden staircase lowered above you. Now, retrieve your lantern and go up the stairs, retrieving the Bunch of Keys from the desk.

Head over to the north of the library, being careful of the Armadura, and use the Bunch of Keys on the elevator. The key you require is the third one along.

Exit the lift, and go to the right of the room where you’ll find a desk with a note on it; this reads 11:04.

Now, head back to the grandfather clock and input that exact time on it. As a result, yet another door is opened!

The face of a Grandfather Clock reading 11:04 is shown in Resident Evil 4 Remake
The clock should read 11:04!

Run down the next hall and turn the wheel to reach the Library again, exit the library to your right and enter the room with the other grandfather clock in it. Input the 11:04 time on this one too, and alas, a door opens again.

Enter the elevator, and in the Mausoleum, we’ll need to ring four gongs to open the gate. As we ring each gong, more and more Armadura’s will wake up. Persevere, avoiding their attacks, and head through the gate once you get it open.

Ashley looks up at the Mausoleum gongs in Resident Evil 4 Remake
Pull the four gongs around the room in any order.

At the very base of the Mausoleum are three pedestals that need lanterns on them. If you pop your lantern down, however, nothing will happen. Each pedestal has a specific symbol - full moon, half moon, and a star - which requires a lantern with the matching symbol.

It’s easily done via trial and error, but ultimately, the lantern Ashley if first holding goes on the second pedestal. The lantern she then picks up goes on the first pedestal (left of the locked gate). The final lantern can be popped down on the third and final pedestal.

The gate will now open, and the Salazar Family Insignia is yours to steal. Once taken, run all the way back up to the library and exit up the stairs.

Place the Salazar Family Insignia into the shield-shaped slot on the door here.

Ashley faces an opened gate after placing the Salazar Family Insignia in Resident Evil 4 Remake
Place the Salazar Family Insignia in this door!

Exit through the door to be reunited with Leon. Only temporarily, however. Such is Resident Evil 4!

That marks the end of Chapter 9 of Resident Evil 4.

Check out the rest of our Resident Evil 4 remake walkthrough:

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